Sunday, July 13, 2008
Pictures of St George trip
More pictures of our July so far
My two men watching fireworks. Aren't they so cute!!!! I'm not biased or anything.
Spencer with his chubby mommy. I mean, pregnant mommy. Yeah, that's what I meant by chubby.
Spencer having fun in his new pool.
I know what this looks like. He's not, by the way. It's the sprinkler attached to the pool. Man, you all need to get your minds out of the gutter. Just kidding!! That's Spencer's favorite part of his pool.
July Fun!!!!
So we've had a very interesting month so far to say the least. With Spencer getting sick and then graciously passing to mom and dad and even Grandma Hale but we've had our highs also. We went around to a lot of the town days events that happen every year around us and went to a bunch of the fireworks that they lit off in every town on different weekends. It was so fun to see Spencer's face. He loved it!!! After every one he would put his hand up and say "Boom". I had more fun watching him then I did watching the fireworks. He was mesmerized. It was really fun.
Then on the 4th we got Spencer a little frog pool at Jason's work and he LOVED it. He had a blast in that little pool. We had to add cold water in it just to get him out. We figured it's better if he comes to the realization that he wants out or else we've got a fight on our hands. So with some cold water and asking if he wanted out. He quickly agreed and we went in to sent Jason on his way to work. I know, we are horrible parents, but it worked. And since Jason had to work the graveyard shift over the 4th, Spencer and I stayed home and went for a walk around the neighborhood and watched others light theirs. It was really fun. And the best part was that it was free for us. We didn't have to pay anything for having them in our front yard practically. And a lot of neighbors paid for the illegal kinds that went high in the air. It was fun.
Then on the 5th we drove to Pine Valley (near St George) and spent the next 4 days at Jason's Grandma's cabin. It was really fun. We caught the very tail end of one of Jason's family reunions and then just relaxed at the cabin. Well, I relaxed, Jason on the other hand was helping his dad put on a new roof for their RV trailer. So for them it wasn't so much relaxin' but HOT work. It was good to be with his parents and just visit for those few days. We went into town (St George) for about three hours to celebrate our niece, Tessa, turning 1. We had a little get together with cake and dinner and it was fun. She is so adorable. I can't believe she's one already. WOW!! Time flies. It was really good to see all the family. Our nieces and nephew are getting so big. We miss them terribly. Spencer had a blast with his cousins. He didn't calm down that whole night. He was enjoying himself too much. (The cake and ice cream he had didn't help much)
But overall it was a great time. Way too short, though. Spencer is having major withdrawals form the playing outside all day at the cabin to the missing Papa and Grandma and all his cousins. He constantly points to the pictures of the fam and names off all his Aunts and Uncles and cousins. He loves you all.
But now we are back to everyday life and the day we came home Spencer decided he wanted to get sick again. SOOOOO now we are fighting strep throat. Sooo fun!!!! The night we came home he had a high fever (105.7) and that has lasted the rest of the week and then he complained his mouth hurts. So we decided to take him in last night to the ER and (drum roll, please) it's strep throat with a possibility it can also be foot/mouth disease. He has some sores on the inside of his mouth that looks like it, but the doctor wasn't sure. So here we are, back on antibiotics and poor Spencer. This little kid can't catch a break lately.
And to top it all off, after a long night in the ER, it was 2am when we got home and I was walking down the stairs and tripped and fell with one leg going up the stairs and one going down. I'm fine but I think I broke my big toe. But thankfully that's it!! I can live with some pain when I walk versus what could've happened. But thems are the breaks.
Oh well, this too shall pass. But isn't it funny how life can just kick ya a little when you're already down.