It really turned out nice because we went to a birthday party for a family member of Grandma Woodbury's and when we were there we sang to the birthday boy (Grandma's relative) and Spencer was singing until it got to the name part of the song. We have been singing "Happy Birthday dear Spencer" all weekend long and when it didn't happen he looked around at all the people there and was so confused. So Grandma Bowler told everyone that his birthday was the day before and they decided to sing to Spencer. It was so cute (I cried) and Spencer was elated. He just beamed at all the people singing to him. Then when we left they gave us a birthday cake to take home for him. It was so sweet of them and that's how we got the cake.
On a much sadder note: Grandma Woodbury started feeling ill on the way home from that party that we took her back to our place and Jason gave her a blessing. She slept fine (she says) until around 5:30am. Vicky was out on the couch and heard a faint voice calling her name. We then got woken up around 6:30 asking if we could help get Grandma Woodbury in the car to take her to the hospital. She was in the tub soaked when we went upstairs and we ended up calling an ambulance. Her blood sugar (she has diabetes) was all over the place and they regulated her heart and that also was irregular. She spent the night at the hospital and she went home the next day. She is a strong woman who we love dearly. That was a very scary situation. She is such a terrific woman with such a great personality. When we got to the hospital she was in such good spirits. We love her so much & Spencer just adores his "Gamma W". She is doing fine now and hope it stays that way.