We went to the Burton reunion at my Mom's cousins home in Sandy. Now this house has an amazing backyard. She used to work on Temple Square on landscape work soooooo her backyard is her lil' Temple Square. It's enormous and emaculate.....I didn't see one weed out there. Now back to the reunion......we had a lot of reunions this summer to attend, let me explain, most are for the same family. My grandma Matthews name was Merle Burton Bennett Grant Matthews, sooo as your can see, we went to most of those names. It was neat to visit with family that knew my mom's biological father, Dell Grant.

We went to so many reunions that whenever we were in the car going ANYWHERE, Spencer would say, "Mom, we going to another beunion". That's when you've been to too many. It didn't matter if we were going to the grocery store, Spencer would ask that question, and the funny thing was that a lot of the answers were "yes, Bubba". It was fun!!

So the rest of the pictures are all the backyard of this house. It was incredible, and so fun for Spencer because he just went and explored. He wanted to see what was around each bend. And I was right behind.......with the camera (of course).