The boys and I went to St. George to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Bowler clan. Jason had to work and go to school. :( He had just started a new job at a different Wal-Mart so there was no way getting the time off for him to join us. It was so wierd having him away for the holiday, but we survived barely with out him and we hope we NEVER have to spend another holiday witout him. I know that is a lot to ask for, but I am hoping at least. So we had a great time with Jason's family, they are all such awesome people. We are lucky having them in our lives, let alone being able to call them family. We are so blessed.
This picture is of Aunt Becky and Uncle Kenneth getting the grub ready to eat. It was sooooo good.

Lincoln and Spencer giving me barely smiles. These two were not in the mood this day to get their pictures taken. I have no idea what Spencer's smile or should I say, whince is all about.

This one's a little better.

What can I say, I try over and over again to get that great shot, and eventually, I give up.

Jon with his two pretties, Tessa and Brenna. We are so excited that Prenny is expecting, even though we have to wait till May to find out what they are having. The suspense is killing me, but I totally understand how cool that would be to find out in the delivery room. You can tell what they are hoping for. I am crossing my fingers for them. It's really exciting.

The gang watching football. Tessa, Papa, McKenna, Spencer and Jared.

Brenna and Brooke (cousin) playing downstairs while we cook upstairs.

So this is what I got when I asked Lincoln to give me a smile. YUP, typical Lincoln. You can see his eye, at least.

Ok, after threatening him, I finally got this. Just kidding on the threatening part......ok.

Spencer wanted a picture taken with his cousin, McKenna.

Lincoln wearing his apron after eating his Thanksgiving meal. He liked it.

Everyone just relaxing after eating the best meal ever.

Little Colton chillin' (I had to borrow this picture from Tyree because we didn't see this little guy the whole trip, thanks Tyree)

Kelsey (Jared and Amy's )

Jared and Caden. I can't believe how old Caden is getting. He's taller every time I see him.

This is Aunt Becky Woodbury's parents. So sweet.

This little cutie is Dallas Beasley, Jason's cousin Lisa's little boy. He was so happy, I've never seen him not happy.

The clan eating

Isn't this the sweetest picture, it made me miss Jason even more. Jon and Prentiss are so cute. I can't believe she looks this good pregnant, it's maddening, she always looks so cute. I bet this is how she looks when she gets up out of bed in the morning.

Jared couldn't wait to dig in to the Dixie salad.

So this is how the Bowler's celebrate the holidays, the tables look so professional looking. Vicky always goes out of her way to make each meal look like it came out of the Better Homes and Gardens magazine. It's always so gorgeous.

McKenna and Tyree (Amy's sister).


We had so much food, it was so good.

Caden relaxing while playing his dad's IPad.

Caden, Curtis Woodbury, and Dustin Beasley

The kids were so cute playing downstairs while the adults visited upstairs.

McKenna with her Papa.

This is the cutest little boy, Landon. He belongs to Jason's cousin, Kyle and Sharmane (sorry if I spelled her name wrong).

Kelsey, Jared, Caden, Tyree, McKenna and Dad letting their food settle.

Sweet Grandma Woodbury.

We had such a group for Thanksgiving, that we had 3 long tables all around the house to seat everybody. It was so great to visit with everyone, it had been so long.

The kids table.

McKenna with her little sister, Kelsey.

Jared with his two girlies.

Another picture of these two lovebirds. Sorry, my camera was not that great in taking this picture.

Caden and McKenna. So you probably are wondering where pictures of Amy and Colton are, well they didn't come over for the day or for any of the get-togethers, so I couldn't get their picture. So don't think I didn't want pictures of them, they just weren't around. They were worried that Colton would get sick around all these people.

Lincoln playing with the doll house. Yes, he plays with boy things too, he just likes all kinds of toys. So don't read into this too much.

Spencer showing me he can do a butterfly with his hands.

Spencer wanted to show me his heart, as he put it.

Me and my two boys. We missed our Jason so badly. The boys asked about him all day. But we called a few times that day and that helped.

Lincoln kept playing with these cups. He is really wierd, who needs toys. Just give him the box and he'll be happy. Guess what he's getting for Christmas, yes, you guessed it, it's a lot cheaper and he doesn't know the difference. I'm serious too.

I don't know what this face is. Maybe it's because of what I just said about the boxes.

Spencer is laying on his Uncle Jared, but you can't really tell.

Lincoln giving his oh no face. Isn't it so great when you can't get your kids to smile when you want them too. It's so awesome. Welcome to my life.

Spencer just absolutely loves his Grandma Woodbury. He says he likes to give her compliments because it makes her happy. They have a great bond together. If I couldn't find him, he was always found in Grandma's room with her either reading him a book or they were just sitting together talking. It's really special.

This is one of those times I couldn't find Spencer, this is where I found him. It was a sure thing every time.

It is so great that Spencer gets the time with his Grandma like this, just one of the many reasons we went down. Any time they can spend together is so special.

Spencer helping Grandma Bowler with the pies. He was such a good helper.

This is one of those times you grab the camera and say, "Oh, your dad would be so proud."

These are Uncle Ken's trophy antlers. It was a long hard kill for him, after shooting it close to nightfall and it jumping up whne they approached it with the truck, after 2 days of looking for it, they finally found it, and the only thing still good on it after the animals had gotten to it was the antlers. It was a huge catch. This picture doesn't do it justice. It was a monster kill. 8x8 are the antlers. It was so nice of Uncle Ken to bring them by so we can see them.

This was after the Primary Program in our ward. It was so sweet of all the family to come and watch Spencer say his part. Alisa came, along with Grandma and Papa Bowler who also brought Brenna up. It was so sweet of all of you to make it even with that massive snowstorm we had the night before to make those roads so fun to drive on. Spencer will never forget it and neither will I. Thank you all so much, it was a special day.
Spencer was the finale after the closing song. He was on the program as "Closing remarks", it was so cool. He went right up and stood behind the pulpit and said without one mess-up, "D&C 76:22 And now, after the many testimonies, which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which WE give of him, THAT HE LIVES!" And he emphasized the "WE" and the "That he lives" part, perfectly. It was so cute. Everyone in the audience laughed and came up to him afterwards telling him that he was the best part of it all. He was so happy and we were, of course, so proud. It was so cool. It made Grandma Hale cry. Ok, it made a lot of us cry.

Brenna and Spencer after church.

This is what we woke up to Sunday morning right before the Primary Program. It was so pretty.

This is at 7am. Mom Hale decided to wake up at 6 and go out and start shoveling the snow, so after we heard it, we all went out and Papa and Jason got the snowplow working and finished the job. There was so much snow that morning.

Lincoln loves to put this cloth bag on his head and walk around saying, "Hat, mom hat". It's so wierd, yet so funny. This kid has really come out of his shell and cracks us up all the time now.

He doesn't just put it on and then take it off soon after, no, he wears it around all day like this. Yup, that's our Lincoln boy.

I couldn't stop taking his picture between laughing. He is so funny!!!

You'd think this is spagetti sauce on his face, but nope, it's pb&j sandwich. I don't get how he could make this big of a mess with a sandwich, but leave it up to Lincoln to find a way.