So it all started at 7:30am. We headed to Jordan Valley Hospital and checked in. At 8am the amazing doctor came in with an ultrasound machine and determined that our little babe was breech and she needed to turn him so he was head down. After a grueling 1/2 hr he decided to comply, but he was still way too high so after many factors that could happen with most of them turning to c-section we decided to continue on with a long day ahead. At 2pm they broke my water after realizing his head was now in position. So we waited and waited and at 8:08pm, we had a chubby baby boy in our arms.

This was before all the fun when we first checked in. I had no idea how much pain I would be in trying to turn this kiddo.

This was Jason's position for the whole day. He was a great cheerleader for me. Every now and then he would look up from his book and say, "How you doin', Babe? Keep up the good work." Then head back into his book again.

I do have to thank our papparazi, who was Alisa. She did an amazing job with being there and taking all these great pictures. Well, maybe not this one being all that great, but all the others turned out awesome. Jason was all tuckered out in this picture. You know, being the husband is so tiresome.

He actually took a couple naps this day. It's really hard being the coach on the sidelines.

This is right after they broke my water. The grandparents brought the boys by to say hi before the big event happened. The problem was the whole time they were there, there was fun stuff happening underneath the blankets. It was so hard to focus on the boys even though it was a great distraction. It was so good to see them at this point. They were so excited to see their little brother.

My two boys!!! I love them so much.

They were so thrilled that it was finally time to meet their little brother. Spencer was so worried that his mom would cry when they take the baby out. He is so sensitive. It's so cute.

Lincoln couldn't stop kissing me. And Spencer kept kissing my tummy. These boys are very tender.

Grandma Bowler flew in from Tucson from working at a quilt show all weekend and she stopped by and got a whole bunch of toys for the boys to play with in the hospital. It was so sweet of her to do. They had the best time showing me what she got them.

Here's the cheering section. Mom Hale and Papa Bowler were there to cheer me on before the big show.

Lincoln showing me his truck.

Grandma Woodbury waiting patiently. It was so neat to have 4 generations in the room.

Spencer showing off his new dinosaur.

Lincoln was playing peek-a-boo with the curtains. He would hide behind them and we would say, "where's Lincoln" and he would respond, "I don't know". It was so fun for him.

Spencer giving me some advice.

This is when the blood pressure cuff decided to make noise and Spencer freaked. He was worried something happened with the baby. I know a little too sensitive, but we still love him:)

Spencer all tuckered out like his dad. What is it with men?


Spencer wanted to give his brother one last hug in my belly.

The boys dancing to their show.

We watched a lot of movies this day. First it was "Letters to Juliet", then a lot of others, I don't remember. I know we watched part of "The Island" sometime that day. It really does seem like a big blur now.

This I do remember. I told you he took a lot of naps this day.

This popsicle was the best tasting popsicle ever. Even though I knew I was going to regret it later. I know for that reason I didn't finish it, even though I desperately wanted to.

See, I told you.

So this is after all the action. We took video of the boys first reaction with seeing their new baby brother, Lucas Guy Bowler. I had the hardest time picking this little guys name. It wasn't totally determined until we left the hospital. With all the hardships he gave me this day, I was considering the name, "Jeffrey" because of the Bill Cosby skit. He was a little toot this whole day. First with being breech, then he was too high, then when I was pushing, he was head up and the doctor had to turn him, then after he came out he had wet lungs so he went straight to the NICU for an hr. He really was a stinker. Then to top it all off after we got him back from the NICU, he was in the nursery getting checked with one of the nurses and we hear a "CODE PINK" on the intercom. I started freaking out knowing that code pink meant child abduction, and Jason went and checked and it was our babe. Luckily it was a false alarm, the nurse was adjusting his ankel bracelet and if you meddle with it at all it sends out the alarm. So everything was fine, but yes, "Jeffrey" was coming into mind a lot.

The boys were amazed that the baby in mom's tummy was now in my arms. They couldn't believe how small he was. Even though he was still 8lbs 9oz, that's small to them.

Lincoln was more interested in all the tubes coming out of mom's arms than the actual baby. He didn't get it.

Lucas was soooo swollen. His eyes couldn't open all the way for 4 days. I think it's because all the stress with turning him head down then having to turn him before he came out. Stubborn kid!!!

The boys were really cute with Lucas. Even though Lincoln still to this day calls Lucas "Kambry". I ask him who I am holding and he'll say, "Ummmm, that's Baby Kambry", then I'll say "no, Baby Kambry lives with Aunt Tenille and Uncle Kevin" and then he'll smile and say, "Oh yeah, that's baby Yukas". Close enough, I guess. It's really cute. He still will pause and smile and say, "Yeah, that's baby Kambry Yukas, mom." He hits both names now.

It's really crazy how much you love this tiny little babe in just a few seconds of seeing him. You think he's so cute, swollen or not, and then a few days past and the swelling goes down and you look at these pictures and think, "Man, look how swollen he was". He really doesn't even look like this anymore. He has totally changed.

Why is it after you birth your child that you look so swollen and fat. I swelled up like a balloon after I had him. It's totally unfair with all the other things you already have to deal with. I had cankles afterwards, it's totally not right.


Right after they put this girly hat on him, I made Jason go to the car and get his bag so I can change it. I wanted people to know he was a BOY.

He has more hair than any of my other boys put together. It was so crazy to see all that darker hair. It'll be fun to see what color it turns out to be.

He is such a good baby, mind you he is only 12 days old. But still, he's been a very calm babe so far.

Aunt Alisa who was a great help through all of this process. Thank you, Alisa. She was my photographer, ice chip holder, dvd picker outer, everything.

Spencer was so excited to feed him. Another huge benefit to not breastfeeding, which I wish I could do, but can't.

Since he was over 8 lbs. the hospital has a policy that they have to check his blood sugar levels before the first 3 feedings. I hated watching them prick his heel. He would scream, and I would cry. I was glad when the 3rd feeding was over. All his #'s were good.

Another feeding with big brother, Spencer, who has been the best helper ever.

So cute!!

Once Spencer starts to help, big brother Lincoln thinks he has to also.

All my boys except Jason.

Cute lil' Emma, who is happy like this all the time. I don't think I've ever seen her not happy. It's really not fair.

Spencer with his cousin Kambry, who is the most adorable little girl ever, and Aunt Tenille.

This little girl is also a happy little girl. She is only 3 months old and is the most alert little girl I've ever seen. She is always smiling and cooing. It's so cute.

This is a onesie I made for him.

Spencer helped his dad bring in the carseat and he fed Lucas right before we checked out. He is such a good boy. They both are. I should say, all my boys are pretty good kids. I can't complain really, even though I do all the time.

Spencer learned how to "Shhhh" the baby to calm him down. He does it every time Lucas cries, which isn't a lot, thank goodness.

This is another onesie I made. It turned out pretty cute. And see his hat, isn't that better than that pink and blue striped one. I totally think so.

Doesn't he look so tiny in this huge car seat.