Ok, I know that all my posts are backwards, but, oh well. I can't do it perfectly and I've gotten used to it, so you need to also. Anyways, this is the weekend of Lucas' blessing. It turned out so awesome. The support we got from all our family and friends was so amazing!!! Jason's parents and siblings drove up the day before and we had a great time at the hotel pool that night (pictures below). I want to thank all of you who came and supported us on this special weekend, we love you so much and appreciated all of it. It rally meant a lot having you all there. It sure did make us feel so special. :)

Brett surprised us by dropping in from being away all weekend. He is in the National Guard and is away once a month for training. This was one of those weekends and he just happened to come home early and drove right from the airport. It was so great to see him. It really meant a lot to me that he came. I love my family so much.

This is Lincoln talking to his Aunt Joni on the phone even though Joni was sitting 2 feet away from us. He loves to pretend to talk on the phone. It's funny how he has long meaningful conversations with his aunts.

Doesn't it look like he's deep in thought here? I mean, just look at him, it's wearing him out.

So I have to ask, should I be worried how shy Spencer is around cameras, I mean, it's so hard to get him to smile and just be in front of the camera. This is Spencer's buddy, Sam. Poor Sam, look at Spencer just clinging to him. This is down in Spencers room. They were watching a movie when I had to BEG them to stop and pose for a picture. Doesn't it look like Spencer is being tortured so I can get this picture. Poor kid.

This is one of the cutest little girls ever!! Aria belongs to a really good friend of mine, more like a brother, Brodie Perry. Have you heard of him, I know, everyone has. He's a famous singer who I adore. He's huge down in St. George, just mention his name and you are in. Seriously!!

Another cutie, Micah. She is so fun. I can't believe she just turned 5 last month, she is getting so big. Such a pretty pretty princess.

This is Kelsey, Jared and Amy's little princess.

This is what happens when we party too much. Just kidding, Kerry has had a long weekend, so this is what happens when you just sit down and relax. It was so funny. We are all visiting and talking on the loud side and this is what I saw when I turned around. Sleeping Beauty.

Another shot of sleeping beauty, Kerry Perry.

Lucas in his blessing outfit, right before we took it off so nothing bad happened in it. We made the mistake of leaving Spencer in his outfit too long and we were scrubbing poop out of his shoes and socks even. It was gross.

Our little sweet Lucas boy.

The Toledo babes plus Spencer. I love this family so much. They are the best!!! We have the best time with the Toledo family!!!

McKenna and Caden

Yes, McKenna and Caden with the very shy Spencer. I really think we need to get him checked out, it's a huge fight every time I want to take his picture. It gets frustrating!!!

Colton, Kelsey and again, Spencer boy.

I had to get this picture, this is Kambry's piggies. They are too cute to not get a picture of. I know, I'm wierd, but reall they are some cute legs.

This is Xander, he was born just a few weeks after Lucas. He belongs to some friends of ours, Chris and Teresa. Jason worked with Chris at WalMart and they became really good friends.

Chris and Teresa with their cute Xander boy.

Mom and Dad Bowler with 2 pretties, Brenna and McKenna.

This is just like thw last one but plus Kelsey.

We were wondering why during the whole luncheon, why Lincoln was being so good and quite. Then I found him and found out. He was sitting at the table eating his lunch or should I say, he was sitting in front of the chips (cheetos and doritos) and this is how I found him. With his white dress shirt still on covered in cheese powder. He was having a blast just sitting there minding his own business until I found him. No more mister nice mom when I saw him. He was covered. But yet, look at that face, it was hard to get mad, but I found my strength, I did.

Joni and Alisa giving Spencer a smoochy. He wasn't liking it one bit, can you tell. I think he kept saying, "mom, can you take the picture already so this can end", yeah right, I think I had to tell him the picture was taken so he can let go of his aunts necks. He wasn't liking it one bit. Look at that face, totally in disgust.

See. I keep telling you, he hates getting his picture taken.

Prenny and I. Mind you, she is about 8 1/2 months pregnant here and you can't even tell. It's kind of sickning how good she looks her whole pregnancy. She's such a cutie.

Me and my sweet sisters. I love them!!!

Jonsie and I hugging it out!!!

Zach and Cory being Cory. :p

Bri and Tena with Luc. So cute!!

I love this picture. It's just too bad the lighting was bad. But it still turned out so cute. Kambry is sticking out her tongue, she must have learned that from her dad. It kills me how every stinkin' picture of Tenille and Alisa turn out so cute. Easy for me though, it only takes one take and its good. So I guess that's a good thing.

Micah and Kevin. Another great picture. I do say, I'm either a GREAT photographer or the people in the pictures just take great photos, I think it's the first one, more for the fact Kevin's in this picture. Just kidding!!

Becky the beauty and Bri the ....well, you know the story. Just kidding!!! Love ya Bri, really I do.

Jon and Adrian...eating. Or should I say stuffing his face. I love it!!!

Is this family cute or what!!! It's really too bad they are so NOT photogenic, isn't it. Don't you feel so bad for them? I know I do. It's like a family photo from one of those magazines or those that are in the frames when you buy them. Yeah, so sad.

Jared, Amy and Colton.

Kerry (awake, heehee!!) and Aria. So cute.

Paula (who I adore) and Beth (who is also so awesome).

Sweet Aria

This is another little girl who is also not photogenic at all. :) She is such a cutie pie!!! She looks nothing like her dad. Did you sense the sarcasm!!!

2 beauties!!! I swear there was a lot of pretty people at our party. We are only friends with pretty people. just kidding, that sounded so bad!!! But that's ok, I do have a lot of beauties as family and friends, not biased at all, really.

Sam is such a stud. He had to make sure his mouth was completely empty before I could take the picture. He held up his pointer finger at me until he could really give me a smile. And can I say, it was worth it.

Sweet baby Lucas!!! I think a moms biggest fear on blessing day is how they are during the actual blessing. We pray they won't cry during the prayer and he did great. No crying at all during all of sacrament. It was so awesome.

So again this is a perfect example of what a stinker Lincoln is. I mean we don't call him "Stinkin' Lincoln" for nothing. He was such a little booger, he wouldn't look up the whole time we were trying to get a family picture. I almost pushed him aside and took one without him. He was being so onery. He wouldn't look up for anything or even smile to boot. We tried everything. We had so many people behind the cameras yelling at him and trying anything and everything to get him to look up. BUT NO!!! Not Lincoln. I swear, if he was our first, we would only have him. He was even snickering the whole time he was looking down. He knew exactly what he was doing. Such a turd!!!

This was the last picture we took and he looked up for a second, but can you see his scowl. Such a stinker!!!

In this one, Lincoln wouldn't even look forward. I really will take any offer. Anybody? Anybody? Accepting any and all offers.

This is the whole gang who came to the blessing. We were sooooo excited to see all you who came and showed your support. We are so blessed.

This was the night before when all the Bowler clan came into town. We all went over to the hotel pool and had a great time together. It was so fun!!! This is the 3 bros together in the hot tub. That didn't sound all that great, but oh well.

Tessa girl in the hot tub.

Brenna, Spencer and McKenna in the hot tub. By the way, those bubbles are NOT manmade. HeeHee!!!

Another great shot of the cousins.

Grandma Bowler with the boys. They had the funnest time in the pool. We need to get these boys in the water more often.

Colton staying out of the pool, enjoying the view.

Another shot of Colton wondering who this is taking the photo of him.

This was Lucas' first time in a pool. At first he wasn't so sure he liked it, but once he was right next to his dad, he was better.

We need to teach our little boys how to swim. They want to learn soooo badly.

Lucas in his star shorts that are 3 sizes too big.

Our camera is waterprrof and we wanted to try it out, so this is our 1st shot underwater. It did a pretty good job. This is Caden and Jason underwater, if you can't already tell.

We even had Brenna try it out. This little girl is part fish, she is such a great swimmer. She could probably teach Spencer how to swim, she's that good.

Jon with his hands full.

Linc showing Uncle Jonny how to splash.

So cute!!! My boys really can't stand their Uncles, can you tell. They adore each and every one of them.

Papa and Tessa in the hotel room waiting for everyone to suit up to go to the pool.

Brenna wanted to hold Luc while we were suiting up. She's such a great helper.

Another picture of the 2 sweeties.