Aug. 1st was Lincoln's appointment at Primary Childrens for his adenoids and tonsils. It took the doctor 5 seconds to decide "yes" he needs then out. He said we could just get the adenoids removed, but it's a 75% chance that he will need his tonsils removed as well later on. So we said, let's just do it all at once. Thank goodness we did.

I do have to say, this branch of Primary Childrens was so fun for the kids. The waiting area was so neat. They had all types of activities for the kids to do. Spencer liked playing the xbox360. Waiting the 2 hrs we did for him to be looked at for 5 minutes wasn't all that bad.
So this is the day of the surgery. They got us a surgery day just a week later from the appointment. I was so shocked. We didn't tell Lincoln a thing until on our way to the hospital. We just told him that he would be seeing a doctor, putting on some special funny looking pj's, then he will take a short nap and wake up with an owie in his mouth. He just gave us an "ok, mom and dad", not really understanding anything we just said.
It was so crazy how happy he woke up this morning. He was happy from the time he woke up to the time they took him back. He was singing songs in the car on the way there, he was saying "hi" to everyone he saw as we were walking to the check in desk, and he was pointing out all the stuff he saw on the walls. He was being so adorable. I was feeling so horrible the whole time, he had no idea what he was going to experience. But he did have Teddy right by is side the whole time. They even put a bracelet on Teddy. He held on to him the whole day.

This was right after we got on his "special pj's and silly socks". He was so happy. The nurses kept asking me if he needed to be sedated and when they talked to him, thye realized that wan't necessary. He was so friendly to everyone. It was really unlikehim this early in the morning. I mean we were up at 5:30 in the morning.

He found this baby that had the same "special pj's" on as him and thought she was so cute. He would pat her and say, "you're all right", and then say, "look mom, she is wearing the same pj's like me". This was right before they took him back. We got to walk with him right to the door of the surgery dept. and he then wanted to ride in a car back to the room. So off he went in this little car beeping the horn all the way in the procedure room. Then Jason and I had to go in the waiting room. I think that's the worst part, giving hugs and kisses and then handing over your baby to a total stranger hoping they take the best care of your precious child. I don't know how parents do it who do this on a monthly basis for their sick child. When we entered the waiting area and checked in, a dad came in shortly after us and checked in who had 2 kids in surgery at the same time. I would be a nervous wreck!!

It was so hard to see him this happy and be talking to the surgeon at the same time knowing we won't see this smile on him for a while.

This is right after he woke up from the anesthetic. I got him to smile this one time between the whimpers of pain. He wantedhis IV out of his foot righ when he woke up. They only allow one parent back when he first wakes up and as I walked back and saw him, I leaned over and gave him a kiss on his forhead and told him I was there and he shot up out of bed going directly for that IV. He yanked on that right away. The nurse wrapped it up real quick. He was not a happy camper. But eventually we got him sitting up and he ate bites of root beer slushy.

He was so delirious. He kept whimpering saying he wanted to go home to see Spencer and Lucas. He did not want to stay there. At this time they wanted us to stay overnight. I didn't know how he would take having to stay that long with his IV and bracelet on that whole time. They were bugging him really bad.

This is when all he wanted to do in the hospital is have me hold him. He told me he wanted me to put my hand on Teddy, so that he can get better too.

He didn't let Teddy out of his sight. It didn't matter how much pain he was in, he always had Teddy in his arms.

This is how he was feeling. Enough said.

The sores on the sides of his mouth were also really bad. They stretched his mouth open so much that they took forever to heal.

All he wanted to do was sleep so when he fell asleep on me, I layed him down on his side and he slept great for a few hours until he opened his eyes and realized nobody wsa holding him.

The ride home was rough. They let us go home later that day, thank goodness and we were stuck in traffic for hours. He would fall asleep and wake up with drool going everywhere and then cry because he was getting all wet. He was so miserable. I totally understand the feeling of all you want is to get home and be in your own bed.

I told you, even in his sleep he never let go of Teddy. It was really cute.

His poor foot where the IV went in was so swollen and sore.

He was running a low grade fever and couldn't swallow so this is how we solved that problem.

This little bear was in our bed for a week, snoring louder and louder every night. It was funny because Jason snores and I have to tell him to roll over all night long and when this little boy started snoring, Jason turns to me and says, "I can't sleep with that. I might need to sleep outon the couch tonight". I said, "welcome to my world".

Aunt Alisa came over on day 3 and brought both boys balloons and Lincoln some ice cream. It was so sweet of her. Those balloons are still floating on day 12. At least the mylar ones are. It was such a great pick-me-up for Lincoln and it was so sweet of Alisa to bring some for Spencer too. He was having a hard time with all the attention on his lil' bro. So it really made his day also. Thanks a bunch, Alisa.

Here are Spencer's balloons.

Here are Lincoln's balloons.

These are the balloons that fell after a day. The boys had a great time playing with them on the floor. So I took their picture.

Luke loved playing with these things. He had such a good time that when I tried to pick him up, he was all tied up.