Jason's family had a very special thing happen to them down in St. George over the weekend of homecoming for Dixie State. Grandpa Woodbury was inducted into the Hall of Fame. It was a very exciting thing that was muchly deserved for him. We lost grandpa in 2006, but I know at that ceremony he was there. It was such a neat experience to be a part of. Grandma Woodbury was all smiles that whole weekend. She had all her kids there by her side. I was so excited that at the very last second we got to drive down and be there for it all.

Grandpa Woodbury, a very amazing man who we miss dearly.

This whole day was incredible. It started out with a breakfast, then the program, a parade (grandma rode in a convertible), tailgating party at the Alumni house, football game, dinner and then a dance. It was a very long, exciting, amazing and incredible day.
This picture was at the program. This was right before they introduced and awarded the inductees.

Mom was the one that accepted the award and gave a little speech all about Grandpa.

Grandma Woodbury was so cute. She sat there with a huge smile on her face as they spoke about Grandpa. You can just tell how much love she has for him. She misses him tremendously.

The president of Dixie walked over to Grandma and put the medal around her neck. She wore that medal the whole time we were there. She was a very proud wife, which she should be.

This is the plaque that will be displayed in the school. I wish we went over and took a closer picture of
it, maybe the next time we go down we will do that.

Mom did such a terrific job on the talk. She was so nervous, but she did great.

At the end of the ceremony, they all sang the school song. It was really neat.

This was at the breakfast beforehand. We waited in a huge line, but it was yummy food. The boys did a great job the whole day.

Jason went out with his dad hunting and after a few hours he got one. What a mighty hunter he is. I was worried how the boys would react to seeing their first dead animal, but I was so shocked, it didn't really bother them at all. They watched the whole thing. Jason had to hurry and get the meat off before we went home and the boys were there watching the whole time.

Spencer even held the leg as Jason sprayed the innerds to clean him out. They were such troopers. Look at their faces, they really don't know what to think.

Look at those faces....priceless.

Spencer: Mom, can I go see the horse that dad got.
Mom: Spencer, Dad didn't get a horse, he shot a deer.
Spencer: WHAT!!! DAD SHOT A DEER!!!
Mom: Well, go and talk to your dad, let him explain himself to you.
I didn't know what to say, so I sent him to his dad. Why should I have to always do the dirty work. Let Jason do it for a change.

We had to take a picture with the boys and the deer, so this is Lincoln straddling it for a picture.

It won't be too long before all these boys go hunting together, it's crazy to think that.

Looks like Lincoln is done with the picture taking. He's saying, "get me off this thing".

We had to have it hang in his parents garage while it cooled down, I know, so gross. But you do what you have to.

The kids and I went to Main Street and met up with the cousins to ride the new carousel they just put in. It was really fun for the kids, the moms on the other hand got a little dizzy. So 2 times on it was great for us, so we decided to get some food and take it back to the house and eat. We had a little birthday party for Lincoln.

Tessa Lee giving me a huge smile. She is so cute.

McKenna who is such a great helper and good sport doing these kiddo things for the little ones.

Luke surprised me by sitting like a bog boy on this horse, holding on for dear life. He did have a good time even though I couldn't get it on camera.

Brenna, Tessa, and Spencer who loved naming the horses they rode on.

Amy and Kelsey

Brenna wanted me to take a picture of her holding her sisters hand.

Lincoln got a little scared when he started sliding off his horse the 1st time around so on the second ride he decided to sit on the bench with Grandma. He loved it. Grandma on the other hand, asked the operator if they could slow it down a little.

Grandma Woodbury had a great time waving to her grandchildren on the carousel and on the way out of the park, Lincoln decided he wanted to push her. He did a pretty good job keeping her off the grass.

Spencer pushed Luke so I could get a break, he said.

My 3 year old.

Mom made this cake and decorated it with the stuff she already had around....it turned out really cute. She didn't want me to take a picture of it, but I thought it was cute so I did anyways.

Lincoln making a wish.

Opening up the presents. He loved everything he got. Thank you to all the family, you were all so kind to get him something.

This is Lincoln giving one of his many hugs to Grandma Woodbury, he loved to love on her.

Jason doing the dirty work.

The boys watched the whole thing. They weren't phazed at all about it. I was shocked they watched the whole thing.

Spencer getting a closer look.

Lucas with his 2 new top teeth.

Spencer made this Mickey Mouse hat and he wanted to share it with his Grandmas, so we made 2 and both grandmas got one. Spencer put them were he wanted them and then I took a picture of it. Wouldn't he make a great Vanna White?

The other hat we made.

Grandma wearing the hat.

We love this woman so much. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.

This is Jason's catch laying on his dads catch. Ok, dad had an advantage by getting to go to Nevada with his brothers to get a beast of a deer.

Spencer showing off his dad's trophy antlers.

My 3 and 5 year old.

Mr. Blue eyes

As we were packing the car these ginormous bees were flying around. They look so small here, but they were humongous!!!! I promise.

Grandma wearing grandpa's medal.

These are pictures of dad's hunting trip with his brothers. They all got huge trophies.

The mighty hunters
Dad, Uncle Jon, Uncle Calvin, Uncle Ken, Uncle Vance, and Uncle Dorrell

Dad's deer

This is about 1/2 hr after we left St. George. Lincoln and Lucas were out scout. This was Luke's first time in a front facing car seat, we bought it while we were down there. The whole drive down he screamed, so we decided it was time. It was a whole new experience for him.

Aunt Prenny had mailed Lincoln's present to us and when we got home it was there for him to open, let's just say this present was perfect for him. He loved it!!! That was so sweet of them to mail it. He was so excited to see that mail was for him for a change. So fun!! Thanks again Prentiss. It made him feel so special.