Our Lucas boy is now 1!!! It has been one of the funnest years watching him grow. He has been such a blessing in our family. There isn't a happier kid out there. He just is always smiling. I love this kid more than words can express. My kids and husband are my life and with them, I am a rich gal.

We had our Hale monthly get together and also added Luke's birthday party. We had a great time and the yummiest food ever. Tena made the best food. I wish I could cook like that. I think my kids and husband would strongly agree to that. Oh well.
This is Brett showing how strong he is with Spencer. It started out with Lincoln, but he was a little timid so Spencer took a turn.

Then Linc wanted a go.

This little angel is growing so tall. She has 0 body fat on her, she has stretched since the last time we saw her. She is so adorable and fun!!

Now Micah wanted a turn, but by this time, Brett was losing steam and his wrist couldn't take it anymore. I don't blame him, my boys are solid!!!

Lucas all ready for presents

He loved his card and gifts. He wanted to read this all day.

Thank you for all the great gifts for this little one. We loved them all. You guys are all so awesome!!!

Emma girl. We love spending time with her and her parents. They are the best!!!

Alisa wraps all her birthday gifts with comics. This time she wrapped it very special. Pretty neat, huh!!!

This outfit came from Kevin and Tenille. It is so cute on, I have already put him in the shirt. It looks so good with his eyes. Good choice, guys.

This came from Tena and Brian. He wated it open ASAP. He loves carrying around the case with the Little People in it.

This is Luke's smash cake. I got it from Harmon's. It's really neat that with a cake order, they give you the smash cake for free.

Spencer helped me pick it out.

Linc enjoying his cupcake....a little too much as you can see all over the table and the same amount on the floor.

Close up of his face

Can you tell who's legs these are. See, Kambry has no chub at all. I think Lucas stole all of it.

Tenille with the 1 year olds. So cute!! I think you can tell who is heavier. Yup, I'm so proud.


Kambry wasn't so sure about how close he was getting. My boys don't know anything about boundaries. Something someday we need to remedy. For sure...

This is what's called a Emma sandwich. My boys love spending time with this cute girl. They just laugh and have a great time. We just wish it was more frequent.

Ohhh, a sweet present. So innocent looking.....i wonder what he's up to.

So the rest of the pictures are of Lucas with his cake. I don't know how he knew what to do with it, but he didn't hestitate at all. He dug right in and demolished it. It was so funny.

This is seconds after the candle was taken out. He didn't waste any time.

He even tried to put his face in it, but something got in the way...hmmm no clue what that could be.

So I helped him out by lifting the cake up to his face and he opened his mouth and chowed down.

Do you see the foot in the cake. Yup, he's just putting his feet up and taking it all in.

This is his, "ta da". He raises his hands and yells it.

He had so much on his toes that he started to take it off his toes and eating it.

We finally had to take the cake away or he would've eaten the whole thing. It was so crazy how he was shoveling it in.

Our little burritto kid!! This is us trying to contain the mess.

Bath time!!!