We decided to head down to St. George for Easter. We had a good time with every minute planned out. This picture was taken by Spencer when we first got there. Isn't it such a good picture of his Papa.

These little 2 were so fun. They are only 3 months apart and are both walking around. It's so fun to watch them interact. Lucas looks huge compared to Brooklynn, she is so tiny.

Sweet Tessa girl enjoying the beautiful outdoors.

We had a Easter egg hunt for the kids and it was so fun. This is Lucas finding his 2. He held on to these the rest of the day.

Brookie is such a sweetheart. She is a spitting image of her older sister, Brenna. I couldn't believe it when I saw her. It's like a carbon copy. So cute!!!

Another picture of beautiful Tessa. I didn't get any of Brenna, I don't know how that happened.

Amy and Colton

Spencer wouldn't stand still so I could get a good picture, so this is all I got of him hunting for eggs. He kept saying the whole time, "Come on, mom, I gotta get more eggs".

McKenna on her search for eggs.

Kelsey wearing the same outfit she wore last year.

Caden striking a pose for me.

Lincoln with his loot.

I love this picture of Brooklynn. She is looking up at her daddy.

The boys after they found their treasures from the Easter Bunny.

Lucas wering his hat from the Easter bunny.

We took some pictures of the boys after church. They turned out pretty good. I can't believe their hair is still in place. That's a miracle.

"Here cousin, I found this on the floor....you can have it".

A picture of all the cousins together.

I love how much these 2 look alike. If you look closely, they have the exact same mouth. So cute!!!

Prenny and Brookie with me and Lukie. Prenny looks so good!!!!

The kids watching "Hop" before bed.

Alisa had a suprise when we got back home. She had these cute stuffed animals for each boy and then she had put together a Easter egg hunt with puzzle pieces in each. It was so fun for them to find them all and put together the puzzle and flip it over for a sweet message. They absolutely adore their Aunt Alisa!!! Thank you Alisa for that sweet present for them. They loved it!!!!