Monday, February 18, 2008

What's Happenin'

So I know I don't really write much on the goings on with our family. So I decided I better start. It's just easier posting pictures of Spencer. But I better let everyone know what's up with us. Well, really nothing much. That's it. Jason is working his little tail off and I am just taking care of Spence. We did get an exciting calling in our ward though. It's never good when the bishopric starts off by saying "Well, as you know every calling in the ward is very important." And then he adds, "If you want to think about this first, that's okay". I thought we were doomed by this point. I was thinking the worst (even though every calling is great, I know) but I was thinking very negative that day. So we are officially, nursery teachers. I know, I panicked for no reason. It's not that bad, even though there are supposed to be 4 teachers in there and usually it's just Jason and I that show up. Oh well. They said they wanted us not to just be babysitters and just sit in a chair and watch the kids play but to interact on the floor with them. If you know Jason and I, we don't just sit and watch, we are on the floor totally into the toys. It is so amazing watching Jason interact with those children. He is a kid magnet and they are all over him. It makes my heart melt. It's very cute. A lot of the kids don't want to leave at the end. We have rally enjoyed the kids.
Let's see, that's pretty much it. Spencer has loved having a Grandma just upstairs. I thinks he likes it too much. He knows if we are being hard on him Grandma will save him. He really misses his Papa and Grandma in St. George. He walks around saying "DAD, MOM, PAPA" He hasn't gotten Grandma down yet, but when he does that will be added to his rambling, I'm sure of it.
We celebrated 6 birthdays in my family this last Sunday. (We have so many we group them together.) It was so fun. We did miss Brett, Becky and Micah though. A LOT!!! It really wasn't the same without them. But we managed to have a good time visiting. It's so fun when we have a family room full of people with 6 different conversations going on at the same time, it's my type of party.
Well, that's it folks. Not that exciting, but it's my life and I love it. Spencer keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing constantly. He is our little comedian. We love you all very much and miss all of you we don't get to see very often.


  1. I miss the HALES!!! I am so glad to hear that everything is going well for you! Spencer is adorable!!! We miss you guys so much!!!

  2. Nursery! How fun! You guys will be so good in there! We miss you and hope all is well!
