Friday, May 23, 2008

Spencer's day!!

So today we decided to make it Spencer's day. Spencer was given a book at Christmas time that was about Thomas the train. He reads it every time we're in the car. He loves it!!! So when a commercial came on about how Heber RR is transforming their train over to Thomas over Memorial weekend, Spencer flipped every time. He would shout "choo choo" to the TV. So we decided to take him. He loved it so much that when we got home he wanted to look at the camera over and over and over again to see the pictures we took today. (Below are some of the many pictures that were taken today). Grandma Hale came with us and she got him a hat and a bandanna and a whistle. He LOVED them!!! He loved them so much that when I put him to bed tonight he wouldn't let go of the whistle and so I let him have it. While I was putting on my pj's I heard him in his room saying "choo choo mom, choo choo dad, choo choo grrrrma". It was so cute. We had a great time today and after prayers I asked Spencer if he had fun today and he nodded his head fervently and then said "Tank too". Now how cool is that. It melted my heart for sure. It made the whole day of running around, totally worth it.

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