Spencer LOVED being M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E. We had a good time this Halloween, we spent the 30th with Alisa at her work going to lunch with her and then trick or treating at her office, then Mom and I took the kids over to Alisa's ward Halloween party that night. We had a great time with her and the ward activity was really fun. Thanks Alisa for letting us hang out with you all day.

Lincoln was a chicken on the 30th for the party but I got so sick of people mistaking him for a girl, they kept asking Spencer if his sister wanted some candy. He was royally confused. So on Halloween day we changed his costume.

He was a ferocious lion!!!! Doesn't he look ferocious? No mistaking him today as a girl.

This is what Spencer's candy total was for 3 outings. We went to the mall earlier in the day and then when Jason got home we went out around the neighborhood. He kept asking all night "I want to go to the spooky house" then when we went to a spooky house he'd say "ok I'm done with the spooky house, I don't want to go in the spooky house".

Lincoln doing his chicken impression

This was at Alisa's office. Elder Anderson was on the phone so we didn't get to say "hi". He was sad after he found out we left without saying hi.

These are our pumpkins we carved. I carved this one. Good, huh!!! It was the easiest one to do.

Jason did this one, Spencer picked it out and was determined we do it for him. It was the hardest one to do in the whole book. Jason was a good guy to do it for him, I did 2 while he worked on this one.

This was my second attempt. It was a little harder than the 1st one I did.

Another picture of Jason's masterpiece.

Spencer loved when the pumpkins were all done but it was a different picture when we were carving them. I thought he's love to stick his hand in and scrape the insides out, no was I totally wrong, he hated it. I asked him when he had his hand in the pumpkin if he liked this, his response was "Ackchally, no!! I don't like this at all". Who knew my son wouldn't like his hands dirty? We kept asking him to squish his fingers together and he said "Ok, I'm done, now I've got to wash my hands with lots of soap". He then went and sat with Grandma Hale and watched us carve the rest of the pumpkins. It was pretty funny.

This was his face the whole time he was touching the pumpkin guts.

This was when we first began scraping the insides of the pumpkin, Spencer had no idea what he was getting into.
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