First of all, I have to warn you, this is a very long post, we did so much on this trip that I had to show a lot of pictures. So I warned you beforehand, proceed with caution......
We went to visit family in St George and we had such a great time. Jason was there for 5 days and then the boys and I stayed an extra 5 days after that. Jason had to get back to work so we stayed and Brad and Vicky drove us up last Sunday. We had to bring our storage unit junk up so they were nice to drive up their truck and trailer up. We had a blast while we were down there. We visited with family, saw the best play ever, Miss Saigon (with the famous, Brodie Perry, who was amazing), and caught some baseball games of Caden's and a choir performance of McKenna's. We also had a great FHE and we went to the Main Street water park a couple of times. To tell you the truth, I don't know how we did it all, but we had a great time doing it all. I got to
spend a lot of time with my sis, Jonsie and Spencer had a blast with all the time he got to spend with his cousins. All in all it was a great week.

Lincoln snuggled right up to Jonsie after a couple hours at the water park. It was fun just hanging out together. Thanks Jonsie, I know you had a lot of homework to do, but you sacrificed for us, thanks!

Papa took the boys out any chance he could just to get a little extra PAPA TIME. He worked the graveyard shift most of the time we were there so any time he was awake he did something with the boys, it was really cute. Thanks Dad, the boys loved every minute of it.

We are missing a foot here :( We missed Jason for sure.

Me and my two boys soaking up the sun

Lincoln went around like this for a while, there was a lot of kids there. It was really noisy, I just thought it was funny that it was too noisy for him. Or maybe he thought his fingers felt cool in his ears, I don't know. I just take the pictures.

I think it was the later of the two. Look at that smile.

Lincoln' little fat feet with mine.

Spencer was entertaining everyone by singing "Sweet Caroline, bom bom bom"

Lincoln thought it was funny to get his hands wet and then say, "Ewwww"

Grandma and Papa Bowler has had this horse swing made of tires in their attic for years, so they decided it was time to bring it out and hang. Spencer thought it was so cool.

Can you spot a little boy who needs a haircut

Oh yes, this little boy definately does

Cousins hangin' out

We had a lot of picnics outside, it was perfect weather

Aunt Jonsie gave Spencer this awesome shirt, I love it, thanks again Jonise, and she also got me the cutest sweatshirt, I have worn it out almost already, Jonsie you're the best!!!

Two thumbs way up, ok maybe just one.

This is lincoln and I sitting in the shade at he park because after the severe sunburn he had last summer, I doused him with 50 sunblock and then made sure he stayed mostly in the shade the whole time. I am not going to risk it, the doctors said he is allergic to the sun so hopefully eventually he outgrows that or I will just have a very white son. I'll take that over a blistered one any day.

We went to the water park twice, once with Prentiss and her girls with Grandma Woodbury and Grandma Bowler and then another time with Aunt Jonsie. Spencer had the best time playing with Brenna and Tessa, and it was great to catch up with Prenny. Thanks Prentiss for taking time out of your super busy life to spend it with us. You guys are just awesome!! I hope things can just slow down for you, we wish you the very best in everything!! I don't know how you do it. You're superwoman!!

Sweet lil' Tessa Lee!!! You are such an adorable little girl inside and out!! You sure can make me laugh!

Tessa with her beautiful mommy!!! We love ya Prenny!! Thanks for everything!!

Grandma Bowler was loving all the lovin' the boys gave her this week. And don't get me wrong, vice versa also. The boys got so much loving they didn't know what to do with all of it. Thank you Grandma Bowler for loving my boys, I know I never have to worry when you have them. It was a good week. Good times, good times

Brenna, Spencer and Tessa posing for me, such cute kids, I'm not biased or anything. I'd claim them ;) (Hahaha, inside joke with Prenny)

Lincoln doused with sunblock enjoying the sun

This park was so fun. the kids had a blast!

I took so many pictures of these two playing, They were inseparable. This is exactly what parents dream of, for their kids to love playing together and get along so well. Well, we definately lucked out on these two.

Whereever there's Spencer there's Brenna and vice versa.

So I need to explain the next few pictures, well, maybe they don't need an explanation. No, I won't tell you what he was doing, just let your imagination go wild, well, not too wild.

Ok, maybe I should explain, he's not peeing if that's what you think, or I think that's not what he's doing. Just kidding, he said he was just feeling the water fall on his hands. Whatever, you know, what I don't know won't kill me.

Now this picture looks like he's washing his hands after doing something. I think he's just practicing washing his hands, ok, before you turn me in, he did have dirt on his hands from the rocks and he's washing it off.

He was facinated by this waterfall

Strike a pose, Brenna. She is such a sweetheart!!

The gang at the water park minus Grandma Woodbury who was in the shade.

Three pretties, Aunt Prenny with her girls. I love Brenna's sunglasses. So cute!!

I mean, look that that face, how can you not take a lot of pictures of it, she is so cute!!!

A lot more pictures of some of the cutest kids on this planet!!!

"Look what I can do"

Caden plays baseball twice a week, so it was neat to be able to go to 2 games. He plays an awesome catcher, he is so good. Spencer loved cheering him on and we had a fun time. "Go Caden!"

The boys were all set to watch the game. It was a little chilly that night. It's crazy how it can blazin' hot all day and when the sun goes down, it can get so chilly.

This is us waiting for the grandparents to get in the car so we can go to our next destination. We were off to go see McKenna's choir performance. I didn't have a picture of that, I forgot my camera in the car. I was lucky to get the kids out of the car and in to see the show. But McKenna did amazingly!!! Good job McKenna, I was excited I could be there to see your last performance of the year.

Still waiting!!

So Grandma Woodbury was sick most of the time we were there, but it didn't scare off Spencer. I caught him many times in with Grandma having her read books to him and just talking. It was so cute, right as I was getting ready to take this picture, Spencer says to Grandma, "How old is you, Grandma Woodbury," and Grandma replies, "I'm 84" and Spencer then says, "But your so pretty". And that's the type of conversation they have back and forth. It is priceless!!! Spencer loved the time he could spend with her and I think she enjoyed it also. They have a special relationship together, they can talk and just be together for hours. It really is neat.

Lincoln flying around the room.

The next pictures are of our FHE we had together. It was really fun, we just had a little talent show and Papa gave a small lesson.
Caden and Spencer had fun together this night. Caden kept slinging him over his shoulder and Spencer was just along for the ride and loving it.

The 3 boys waiting for FHE to start.

Kelsey and McKenna saying, "cheese"

Tessa and Brenna being cute as always

Here's McKenna's talent, she is so limber, it makes me hurt just watching her do some of these poses.

These 2 girls are so cute together, they always hug each other and they really are BFF's.

This was the girls talent, they sang, "I am a child of God", it was really cute, Brenna kept whispering the words to Tessa so she can sing it out loud. They did a fabulous job!!

Caden did a piano solo, like I had to tell you, you can tell what he did by seeing the picture, anyways he did a great job.

Sweet Tessa Lee

Jon played the opening song, good job Jon!

Spencer sat on Caden's lap the whole time. Pals

Spencer thought this was a talent. "Show me your muscles"

These next pictures are of adults amusing themselves by giving a 3 yr old a super sour warhead. I know, we are so bad, but it was Jonsie's idea (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Anyways, we had just left Pirate Island Pizza and I grabbed my camera and gave him the candy and started shooting. Adults have to have fun too. So here are the results. It was hilarious!!! Oh, don't complain, you'd do it too, try it, it really is fun.

He really wanted to spit it out, but yet he wouldn't cause it was so good. Hahahaha!!

This is when he finally bite into it, again Aunt Jonsie's idea ;) She really is horrible, isn't she?

I was laughing so hard!!

He was a good sport. He really didn't have much of a choice, though :)

This is when he really loved it, can't you see it in his face.

Come on, this is funny, right?

This is when it was all gone and I asked him if he wanted another one, he said, "maybe later".

All the grandkids together. This was a fun picture to take. Can you picture all the parents behind the camera trying to get all the kids attention. That would be the picture we needed. Funny!! What parents will do to get a good shot.

So the next pictures were taken by my sis, Joni. She did a great job regardless of what we looked like. They probably would have turned out so much better with a different mom in the picture, but hey, what can we do.

Playing on the teeter toter

Lincoln could care less that we were trying to take a picture, he just wanted to keep going up and down. I don't remember Spencer being this hard to take a picture with, oh yeah, he wasn't.

Ok, I told Joni to take it when Jason and Spencer were lower, but no, now it looks like I'm heavier, well, you know. At least I wanted the picture to show otherwise. Dangit!!!

The kids are actually hanging on the arbor. This picture turned out so cute, good job Jonsie. You should go pro.

Mom and dad just built this swing set the day we arrived, so the kids spent every second on it, they loved it. It really is neat, Dad built it to go through his tree so they can hang 2 little kid swings and 2 bigger kid swings plus the horse tire swing. It's ingenious. Good job, Dad, it is awesome.

So right after church the kids ran right out to swing. So they did.

And Jason pushed.

We needed a family picture taken really bad, most of the pictures we have are with one parent with the kids. So we attempted to take one. These pictures were before Joni's.

Grandma and Papa put on an Easter egg hunt with all the grandkids, it was a really small hunt with ONLY 200 eggs and a whole bunch extra candy that weren't in eggs. Vicky you outdid it, it was really fun and the kids had a blast. Thanks for all the fun!! You always do the best things when the kids get together.

Tessa Lee with her basket. It got full by the time the hunt was over.

Brenna finding treasures of her own.

Spencer with a basketful

Lincoln was going at his own pace. That basket was huge!!! He just loved picking up the eggs and dropping them in the basket, it was cute. Finally an egg hunt that he can do at his pace.

Lincoln wsa happy with just one egg. He picked this one up first and then sat down, he had had enough. Egg hunts can really take it out of you. It took a little prompting to get him to stand up and find more. These pictures are in the wrong order.

Spencer with "his Brenna".

Papa pushing the grandkids in their backyard. This backyard is the best!! Way to go Papa and Grandma Bowler, you do good work.

Lincoln was enjoying every minute of this swing, he almost fell asleep a couple of times in it. All he needed was a pillow.

This is a very sweet picture, look at the purple tree in the backyard, it sure is spring down there.

Joni reading a story to her nephews, Spencer was really into it and Lincoln was until I grabbed the camera, figures.