Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day at the Aquarium

We took the boys to the Aquarium for Jason's birthday (I know, I know, I need to get better at posting more frequent) but anyways, we went to see the new exhibit of the penguins. We had a good time and a lot of pictures only have Spencer in them because Lincoln decided to take a snooze halfway through. Oh well.

So this picture (above) is Spencer asking mom, "so this is what I should do, right mom?" And the picture below is the result.

"Ouch, mom, that really hurt"

Wow. why is it that Lincoln is always asleep when we take a family picture, well, just add the top of Lincoln's head to this picture (that's about the result we get when he's in it).

Spencer kept rubbing and hugging this frog and saying, "I love this frog, I need to kiss it." You know from the princess and the frog, the problem we had to discuss with him is that he is a boy and not a princess. I know, I know, he is sometimes confused, we're working on it. I promise, Jason is definately working on that.

This is looking at the penguins. They are standing on a slanted little ledge, so Spencer was helping Linc. It was very cute. He kept saying to Lincoln, "I've got you, don't worry, Linc." It's just too bad you can't see the penguins, they were really neat to watch.

Spencer giving advice to Lincoln.

The boys loved looking at the sharks.
Lincoln didn't want to leave the shark tank.

Spencer loved touching the spikey things, I don't know the names.

His favorite was the star fish.
His arm wasn't long enough to reach the sting ray.
This lobster was enormous!!!
The jelly fish were my favorite, they are so fun to watch. They are better behind glass them stinging you in the leg, I'd know, it hurt.

Spencer wanted a picture of the eel. He took a lot of these pictures. He loves taking pictures, I don't know were he gets that from. Hmmmm!

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