So this is the prize the kids got at the reunion for the cake walk. They didn't have one for adults or I'd be all for it. These pictures are kindof halfways into the reunion. I was trying to make them in order and for some reason the server is down so we are going to start with part 2 and wait to see if I can download the part 1 later. So we'll see.... Anyways, this is Tessa showing off her yummy prize. She is so cute.
Here's Brenna trying for a yummy cupcake for herself. The kids had a fun time trying to earn their cupcake.
Spencer is trying to decide which cupcake would taste the best.
Here's the one!!
Here's Brenna's
Tessa being cute as ever
Oh, what a terrific looking family
Lincoln being patriotic on the 4th!!
Spencer wanted his face painted. I had no idea about it until it was already done. He said he picked it all be himself. He wanted a ladybug.
See, the end result. You all know me, all I was thinking about was how to get this off, but he really enjoyed it so I bit the bullet and let it stay the rest of the day. It was off in the shower that night. I know, I need to lighten up.
Papa even joined into the fun.
Doesn't he look so gruff? I asked Spencer that and his response was "no, that's just Papa being silly. He's so nice, I love him." Isn't that the truth, this man is loved by all. He really is the best jokester.
Lincoln is trying to find his belly button, isn't it sad that that's how I have to find mine too. He takes after his mom on that one. So sad!!!
This is after he found it!!! So proud of himself.
Prentiss with Tessa just having fun. Can't you tell on Tessa's face? So much fun!!!
Lincoln has FINALLY figured out the camera, that you are supposed to smile for the camera. He then after I take the picture says, "See See" and I show him the picture and he says "Ohhhhhh". It's really cute. What would kids do without digital cameras. We had to wait forever to see the results, I know, I'm aging myself. I'll stop now. At least, I didn't say I walked up hill both ways in the snow, see, I'm not that bad. I hope.
Tessa after she was done with her cupcake. She did pretty good, I'd say. It was all over my face after I ate Spencer's, just kidding, he had half, I shared. :)
Lincoln after a long day at play. He just fell face first in the crib and out he was. I even used my flash to get this picture and no movement. Now after I took this picture I turned his head so his face wasn't directly in the blankets, and no, that's not why he didn't move. He was still breathing, I at least checked on that before I took the picture. What kind of mom do you think I am. Don't answer that.
This was the crowd around the homemade ice cream makers. We were all patiently, well most of us were patient, waiting for the ice cream to be done. Don't the kids looked pooped. It was a long day that day. They were all exhausted.
Tessa couldn't even muster up a smile for her Aunt Neenie, she was that tired. But then there's Spencer, he can smile in any situation, just get out your camera and he'll smile. This is a cute picture of Uncle Jon with the 2 kids.
Brenna girl is so funny. She wanted to wear her daddy's hat all day, but yet she is wearing a skirt. She is the epitomy of being a tom boy with a flair of girlyness thrown in. She can be playing in the dirt with Spencer one minute and then the next be playing dress up with Tessa. She is so cute. I love this little girl.
All the kids helped Uncle Jonny pour in ice for the ice cream. They were all big helpers.
Isn't it fascinating how many people it takes to watch the ice cream being made? It's so fascinating.
Here's Spencer's turn to help.
Now's Brenna's turn
Tessa was just happy and content watching the mayhem.
I don't think Spencer ever left Uncle Jon's lap unless it was to pour ice in the machine. Then he went right back. I think he was missing his dad, so thank you Jon for being that lap.
This is when the ice cream was done and everyone was sampling the beaters. That ice cream was so good.
Here's Kelsey taking a turn on the swings. Amy was standing guard. She is due in Sept. We are really excited.
Lincoln loves to hold baby dolls. He carried this doll around the whole time we were at the cabin.
Photo op, is what I thought when I saw Brenna sitting on this. It was more like, I heard her yelling for help, she got up there and then couldn't get back down so I ran down to help her, but first took pictures, then I helped her down. I know, I'm so mean, but when you can get a good photo, I take it.
And she was a very good sport about the whole thing too. She just sat there and smiled for her kooky Aunt Neeners. Thanks Brenna for being such a good sport for your aunt.
Then even before I could get her down Spencer wanted to join her. Mind you the seat on this thing is super small so I had to hurry. They didn't look uncomfortable, do they? Whatever it takes, is what I say.
Close up!!!
Then they were so happy I got them down that they celebrated with a hug. Ahhhh!
Lincoln enjoying the view from the balcony of the cabin.
These two played together so well the whole time we were there. It is so cute how much they love each other. They are inseparable!!! Where one is, there's the other. It's kind of nice.
We celebrated the 4th weekend with sparklers since we were up in the mountains and didn't really want to drive down into town to watch the St. George fireworks. All of us lazy adults, the kids didn't even know. They had a blast with the sparklers.
Tessa wasn't so sure about the sparklers, she was happy with just watching others.
The boys would not look at the camera, they were way more interested in the sparklers.
Grandma Woodbury just enjoying her time out of the blazing heat of St George. She is so adorable, we love her so much. Spencer has this unique bond with Grandma, he will spend hours in her room with her just reading books and spending time with her. It is really cute.
These are some pictures from the cabin of Grandpa Woodbury working on the cabin. He built it all by himself with the help of family members. We miss him so much.
Grandpa and Grandma working on the cabin together. They are total soul mates.
Grandpa was a hard working man.
Spencer and Lincoln loved playing with this tent at Grandma and Papa Bowler's house.
Lincoln didn't understand that it was supposed to stay put though, he kept wanting to move it all over which would make another little boy a little upset. As you can tell, it didn't bother Linc at all.
This was our last day in St. George. We had had a great time even if a hospital visit was included. Those dang Kidney stones. And besides missing Jason a whole bunch, we did have a terrific visit.
Spencer loves being with his Grandma and Papa and all his aunts and uncles and cousins and...... let me just say, he didn't want to go home, but we headed in Joni's car and off to dad we went. It was good to visit, but it was really good to be back home with Jason also. We really missed him!!!!
Right before we headed home Spencer found this toad in Grandma Bowler's window well. So he decided to catch it and Grandma found this little cage to put him in. He carried this toad everywhere, poor little toad probably had brain damage when it was all through. "Mom can we bring Todd, the toad home with us" Spencer asked, my response was "he will miss his family too much so we have to return him to his home." After much whining and crying, I said, "let's take a picture so we will always remember Todd." Thank goodness for reasoning and a camera. Spencer agreed and we got to leave him for Grandma and Papa to take care of or let it loose.
Spencer had to have more than one picture he said. One with "Todd" in the cage....
and one with him holding "Todd". Thank goodness Aunt Joni was there to help him take it out and hold it to take the picture. I wouldn't. I know, I'm a wimp, but hey, you don't know where that things been. EWWWWWW!!! Spencer was so proud, he had to leave specific instructions for Grandma and Papa to follow after he left. "Now, Grandma make sure you take care of Todd and don't let him get hurt". Grandma just smiled.
Lincoln was enjoying every minute with Papa. It takes him a while to warm up, the sad thing is it's about the last day we are there, he will be all buddy buddy with Papa. It's really sad. He's such a stinker, Lincoln, not Papa. You know what I meant.
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