Disclaimer: I have made this blog for the intent to show loved ones what we've been up to lately. I also want to one day print it out and have it as a journal for the kids. I am not doing this to brag at all. I just thought this is a great way for you all to see what life's been like for us and what we've been doing. I love to see other people's blogs and see their pictures and see what they've been up to. That's all I'm doing here. Thank you!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Cookie Cutter's and more
Ok, so I know it's been a while since I've posted last, well, it's felt like it at least. There has been a lot going on, where in the world has Aug. and now Sept. gone. I can't believe I am all decored for Fall already. Anyways, I will try and do better even though I have a problem with taking too many pictures, so it will take me a while to catch up. So until I am all caught up, you can all read up and see what we've been up to in the last few months. I have a lot of events to post such as our Bowler reunion and Spencer's birthday. So I promise before he turns 5, I will be caught up. I promise at least that.
I have a standing threat with Jason that if he doesn't cut the boys hair by a specific time that I will take them to Cookie Cutters and pay for it to get cut, well, as you can see, with Spencer he didn't make the deadline. No worries for Spencer though, he loves going to Cookie Cutters. It's really cute. They have the child pick a movie first then pick the vehicle they want to sit in and then off they go. Spencer loves sitting there watching the movie he picked out and then in the end they get a balloon and a cookie cutter. It is really a cute place. I just wish it was a little cheaper. But I always use a coupon, which helps a lot.
The hairdresser asked, "Should we keep it like this", and Spencer responded, "No, that's too crazy".
And this is the finished product. It always looks so good after he gets a haircut. I always kick myself for waiting so long to get it done. But I have to give Jason the amount of time he needs to have his chance to cut it. But he is just too busy right now, so off we went.
Spencer loved his new haircut, he went around all day saying, "Look, I'm handsome again".
Spencer loved the balloon he got almost as much as he loved the haircut.
My handsome boy!!!

So these pictures are backwards. This is when Spencer was all scruffy looking, but oh well. I walked into Spencer's room and this is what Ifound him building. He was so excited to show me his big "surprise". He actually did a pretty good job, I was so impressed.
Lincoln wanted me to take his picture, so he went right in front of the camera as I was taking the pictures of Spencer's architectural work and said, "cheese".
I don't know exactly what Linc is doing right here, but he looked cute.
And again, no idea what he's doing. He's a wierd one.
Spencer working so hard on his masterpiece. He is so patient too, when one would fall over, he would just pick it up and try again, even if it fell over 5 times in a row, he wouldn't make a peep, he's just pick it up and try again. I couldn't believe it, he definetly doesn't have mom's patience. I would knock it down out of anger after it fell over the 3rd time. I know, one more thing I need to work on, just add it to my list.
Spencer is helping Aunt Alisa in making her yummy homemade chips for her yummy fruit salsa. Oh, it's so good.
So if you can't tell, Spencer has his shirt on both legs and his pants on his head. I asked him to get his jammies on and after a while I heard a muffled, "Mom, I think I have a problem here," he really didn't know what he did wrong. It was so hilarious. He just laughed when he finally figured out what he'd done. He must have been really tired this night because usually he's a pretty smart kid, or we had thought before this incident.
Lincoln just being cute.
Spencer and Lincoln love to try out their dad's push up thingys. Spencer's pretty good at it and Lincoln is just hilarious.
Spencer can go all the way down and up. Me on the other hand, well, let's not talk about me. Spencer's pretty good.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Silly Boys
Friday, September 3, 2010
Memorial Weekend Campout
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