Monday, April 4, 2011

More pictures of our newest!!! Sorry!! But you really should be used to it by now!!

I'm serious, you all know me, you should know that this is all I do on this blog thing. I just post pictures of my kids. I'm not biased or anything, some of them are good ones and some aren't. But I post them just the same. So here is the progression of Lucas growing up. Hope you like them. I think he's a little cute, if I do say so myself, but you be the judge. But please, be nice. I'm a little emotional right now.
Lucas has started to smile a lot and coo, it's so cute. He really has a story to tell or he's just telling me what a horrible mom I am, but either way, I can't understand it so it's still cute.
He just looks up to the ceiling and smiles or a blank wall. It's so strange how nothing or something magical, maybe? makes him smile.

This is his look of "Come on, mom, put the camera away. Seriously".

He already has chubba around the midsection, like his momma.
I dyed this white onesie with a heart on it. It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself. Hey this is my way of giving myself a compliment. I'll take it anyway I can get it, even by myself. I know, I'm so sad. Oh well!!

This is Lucas in Lincoln's baby stroller. He's a little big already. One big chubba chubba!!!

This is March get together with the Hale clan. Kambry is giving Lucas a hand, literally. They are getting so big so fast. I think I said that last month.

Spencer loves getting pictures with Lucas. He just comes over with camera in habd and says, "hey mom, take a picture of us together", I think, "who's kid is this", can you guess.

This picture turned out blurry but cute.

Lincoln is so soft with his lil' bro. He always kisses him so soft and is so gentle with him. I am so shocked. I thought it was going to be a lot worse. Lincoln was the littlest til this little one joined the family so I thought there was going to be some animosity. But there hasn't been any.

"Poor me, I'm getting held, and fed, and burbed, and loved, and ......" Yeah, yeah. Poor him.

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