I feel so horrible....These 2 pictures are the only 2 we took at the Bowler Reunion in Gunlock. The whole time we were there I wanted so badly to take pictures of everyone and everything going on, but I was holding Lucas the whole time and Jason was helping his parents cook lunch. It kills me. We had such a good time and I have nothing to show for it. We were in Gunlock at the park visiting with some amazing family and they had this huge water slide for the kids to play on. I didn't see Spencer the whole day. The only time I saw him was when they deflated it for lunch. He ate and back on it he went. It was so smart to get this for the day. The kids had the best time and it let us parents get to visit.

This is Brooklynn and Lucas. Cousins that are 3 months apart. The whole time we had them side by side, Lucas kept reaching for her and wanting to touch her. It is so funny because Lucas' other cousin Kambry is also 3 months apart and older and she does the same thing to Lucas. She always wants to hold his hand. It's so cute.

So then we added another cousin to the mix who is 3 months older than Lucas. So there is a 3 month gap between each one of this cousins. It's going to be so fun when they play together.

Look at how Lucas wouldn't let her go. He was so loving. It's crazy how you can see their personality already coming out when they are near someone their age.

It was so funny how they are holding hands. Colton is just laying there and Lucas is all over Brooklynn. I wonder if they remember each other from before....hmmm....something to think about. I think Lucas is trying to give her reassurance that this Bowler clan isn't all that bad. He's thinking "I'll help you through this, Brooklynn. I'm right by your side. Just lean on me"

This picture is priceless. The kids did this all by themselves.

Lucas and Brooklynn were so flirty with each other. It was so cute.

Colton is not liking this being on his back thing, so he kept squeling and this is Lucas looking at him like, "what's your problem, cuz".

These 2 are going to be such bestest friends. It really is crazy because when Brooklynn smiles, they look a lot alike.

These are all the Bowler cousins from oldest to youngest.

We took the kids on the 4th to the Main street splash pad. It wasn't as crowded as I thought it was going to be. I was so shocked. They just added a carosel (sorry for my spelling) and they had the ribbon cutting was we were there, but the line for it was ridiculous and so we will catch that next time we go down. Spencer asked me if he could go on it and I asked him if he wanted to stand in line for an hour or two and he responded by saying, "Hmmm no. Maybe we can come back later." I told him that is a great idea.

We were worried that Spencer was getting too much sun from the reunion the day before so he wore his shirt as he played and on Lincoln's case we put a tanktop on him and he got a little burned shoulders, but it wasn't all that bad. My kids could use a little sun. They are a little on the white side.

Lucas loved sitting in the water. He kept splashing his hands in the water. He loved how it was like his bath at home.

Spencer enjoying the cool water on a hot day.

Pardon my legs, but the kids looked cute.

Lincoln kept going back and forth singing a song from Glee, the one with "Don't stand so close to me" in it. It was so funny.

Spencer yelled, "Mom, take my picture", do you think he's a little camera shy?

Jonsie joined us for all the fun we were having. She was such a good sport by walking back and forth behind Lincoln as he was singing.
These are my 3 sons. Gotta love em, I guess. I mean, how can you not..... they are so precious when they are asleep.

This is Jason playing with our waterproof camera. Can you make out Spencer holding his nose under the water?

Another picture of Spencer underwater.

Spencer pretending he's swimming.

Lucas passed out right when we took off his wet swimsuit and layed him down. It was soooo hot down there.

Linc showing his pearly whites.

We (the boys and I) went to the park to watch the fireworks. It was another time I called Jonsie and asked what she's up to and her letting us tag along. Thanks a bunch, Jonsie, we had such a fun time. This is the sunset before the show.
If your wondering where Jason is, well he decided to go with his brothers and some cousins and drive 3 hrs away to shoot bunnies in someones field that was supposed to be infested with them. So after an all nighter, they came home, got some sleep and told the spouses that they only shot maybe 10-15 each. Bummer!!! And then they all said, "Oh, we should've celebrated the 4th with our families". DUH!!!!

Lincoln getting prompted to smile for me.

Spencer after eating a snow cone.

Lucas waiting for the show to start.

We had a great time even though we did miss Jason.

This is Beth. We have found a mutual bond in our love for scary movies. She has become a great friend. It's really fun to talk to her about scary movies. Joni can't stand it because she hates scary movies. And we can go on and on and on and on and.........

My baby boy is growing way too fast.

He's such a great baby. He is just so mellow and along for any journey. As long as there's a bottle involved, he's in.

He really is so hard to get to smile.

This is how Spencer watched some of the fireworks show. He loves Beth. He then proceeded to lay on Joni's lap. He just has so much love to share.

This is how Lucas watched the show. He was staring at it the whole time. No expression, but just totally mesmerized.

We had family pictures with the whole Bowler clan the last night we were there. This is Lucas just happy.

It was so hot for this kid and he was just happy all the time. Good kid!!!

After the family pictures we rushed back to the house to celebrate Tessa's birthday. She is getting so big. She is now a big 4 yr old!!! Time flies!!!

Sweet Brooklynn. All wiped out from all the smiling for the pictures. It's hard work to be a babe.

Tessa opening her presents. She got some really cute stuff. All girly things that I can't relate to.

This is what we got her. An Ariel bath toy. A couple days after being home we got the sweetest text of her in the bath playing with her new toy. It was so sweet.

Both of the girls got a 4th of July ring that glows red, white and blue. I think it was a hit. Spencer wasshowing them how they work.
Overall, we had a great visit that was chuck full of fun times. We had almost every minute planned. So we totally apologize to any friends that didn't get a visit from us. We were so busy the whole time. We couldn't fit any visiting time in this time down, so we will make it a total priority next time. I promise.
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