Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 2 - Sea World - May 6th

 Back in the car....watching a movie. We headed down south to Sea World for the day. We had a blast!!! The boys were fascinated by the animals. It was about 66 degrees and we were shocked with how much sun we got.
 The first thing we headed toward was the Dolphin was amazing!!! Spencer turned to me halfway through and said he changed his favorite animal to the dolphin. If you know me at all, you know I have been in love with dolphins since I was little. So I was as excited for this show as they were. After the show we headed over to try to pet the dolphins and for as hard as we tried, they didn't come close enough to touch. Spencer was heartbroken. He is so tender hearted that he took that as a sign they didn't like him, so we had to have a little chat as he cried. It wasn't long and we were off and running to something else to see.
 The kids wanted so badly to touch something alive so we headed over to the starfish. They loved being able to touch them and make sure they were ok.
 The lady that worked there said to make sure they were never up side down. So Spencer went around "rescuing" all the ones people flipped over. He would reassure it and talk to it telling it that he will be ok. It was really cute.
 Lincoln wasn't all that sure if he liked holding one. So I hurried and snapped the picture so he can put it back in the water. Look at that expression. So funny!!
 This was in the shark exhibit.
 Spencer was fascinated by this huge walrus. He was eating fish and then after a while he would regurgitate it back in the water and then suck it back in. He loved it!!! He thought that was the coolest thing ever. He even had me record it so he can see it over and over his own words. It was disgusting. That's when I realized he's such a boy!! And I better get used to this sort of stuff. No princess cutsey stuff in my future. Ever!!
 The boys had a great time feeding the wild seals fish. Once the seals saw you had fish, they would perform for was so funny. They would scream at you and wave and if you didn't give it to them they would throw a little fit and slap the water with their flippers. One of the seals was sitting on a rock and would let out this ginormous sound to let you know he's there and then if you gave him one he would play with it in his mouth. He'd flip it out of of mouth in the air and catch it again. He did it over and over again until he finally ate it. It was so funny what they did for a fish.
 This was in the fish and turtle aquarium. The boys went up to the glass and I snapped this shot of Spencer showing Lincoln all the fish and turtles. This is exactly the reaction we were hoping for the whole time we were planning this vacation. For the 2 boys to bond more. And they certainly did. They had the best time together.
 The boys on a very well trained turtle.
 This was at the end of the day....the last show we were trying to catch right before we left. The orca show, Shamu Rocks. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day. Another day where the boys stunned me with how well behaved they were. We sat at the top of the Splash Zone in this show and it wasn't til the end that we got a little wet.
 Lincoln did so well without taking a nap....he hung in there right til the end. He fell asleep in the stroller on the way back to the car.
 We had a great time at Sea World and it was perfect to go on a Sat. since we were just going to shows and not trying to hit any of the rides.
Goodbye San Diego and hello Anaheim for the rest of our vacation. More pictures to come......

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