The boys loved the huge planes and all Spencer wanted to do while we were there was to sit in one.
Thank goodness we took the time to stand in line so he can get his picture.
Lincoln wasn't so sure about sitting in it, so he just stood for his picture.
This was the next day.....we made sure we were all prepared for whatever came our way. But it was great. The Thunderbirds were amazing as usual. The boys loved it!!!
All set for the Thunderbirds to perform.
Me and my licorice men.
My littlest man!!!
Do you like the milk beard?
The picture below needs some explanation.....Spencer loved seeing all the military men and women, that every one he saw, he went straight up to and would tell them, "Thank you for serving our country" and then would salute them. It was really cute. He would then, if they were women, proceed to kiss them on the back of their hands. All of them were very impressed. He even made some of them cry. It was a special thing for him to do. So the picture below is when we were on the way out and Lincoln wanted to join him.....Linc saw the positive reactions Spencer was getting and wanted a piece of it.
We took Lucas to Primary Children's ENT to get him checked out. He has apnea really badly and has all the symptoms Lincoln had at the same age. So we wanted to see if he needed to get his adenoids and tonsils out as well. But the doctor told us that he has exceptionally small nostroils and a very tiny jaw, which can make the surgery not as effective. So we will wait it out and see if things get any worse. It just kills us every time he screams in the night from his apnea. It scares well as us. But on a funny side note, as we were waiting in the waiting room, they called back a Lincoln, which I proceeded to stand up and walk back until Jason stopped me and then they called back a Spencer. I then had to take a peek at Luke and make sure who we brought with us to the appointment. Yup, I'm getting that bad. One more reason Boy #4 is enough.
We live in such a great place that in the month of June we can find a fireworks show almost every Sat. night. The towns around us all have their Town days this month and we try to catch as many as possible. This is South Jordan Town days fireworks show.
Luke loves this glowing ring we got a few years ago. It keeps him entertained while we wait for the show to begin.
We love watching fireworks. We bring blankets and just lay around and relax.
So this is another random picture of how bad a mom I am. This is one of those nights that the boys wouldn't stop talking after Lincoln who was the culprit was put in time out. After a while of forgetting I put him there, Jason and I went to check on him and this is what we found. Poor kid!!! Doesn't he look so innocent. I know, I am so bad. I won't mention the time I put him in time out in our room on the floor......forgot about him......went to bed......and scared myself to death when I tucked myself in and started hearing a grumbling noise on the floor. Only to find out it was him asleep at the end of the bed. I deserved that one.
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