Alisa had surgery on the 9th for her jaw. She had her top jaw broken and let me just say, I am totally feeling for her. We went over to visit her a couple days after and she is such a trooper. She was in such great spirits even though she just had major surgery. I had warned the boys to stay away from her and if they wanted to kiss her, to kiss her forhead or her hand and to be totally gentle with her. We walk in and the first thing she did was want the kids to give her great big hugs and sit on her lap. I was so nervous for her, but she is such an amazing aunt that she was just loving on them and she even got up a few times to get things for the kids. I was floored. That's just how she is.....amazing!!!! We are there to help her out and she is helping me out instead. She is just that kind of person. So as a request from her, there is no pictures of her, but the boys did try on her ice pack for her jaw.
Here is Spencer trying it on. She couldn't open her mouth very wide and all she could do is drink out of a syringe liquids. We took her a Jamba Juice that she finally thawed and drank a week and a half later. Much good we are to her. I felt so bad I couldn't do more for her. I wish I had a magic pill to take all her pain and swelling away and make her magically healed. But alas, I don't, so I wish her a speedy recovery and all the love that I can offer.
The boys had a hay day with all her flags. I think Lincoln put them in every pocket he had.
Luke just liked to eat the stick of the flag. Even Alisa who is so wise nd kind said to me that maybe that's not such a great idea, since they were painted and all. Ahhhh, it's keeping him quiet, right? Yup, Mother of the Year goes to........
Luke trying on Lincoln's underwear.......he could barely see.
This is when the underwear came off. I think he could think again.
Thank you Neeners. That was suchc a wonderful treat for me. I had missed you all so much with you being in St. George. It was so much fun to see you all and having Lincoln walk right past me to give me the smoothie was a classic. I will never forget it. I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Come over anytime!