Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Aug 3-5th 2012 - Matthews family reunion

 Every year we have a great time at the Matthews family reunion. It was at Uncle Tom and Aunt Larena's cabin again this year. It is such a great place to have it. So peaceful and relaxing. This year was a little short on relatives, but we still make the most of it.
 This is Kambry showing me how big a girl she is eating breakfast.
 Kevin and Tenille were so kind to bring up their 4-wheeler and were even kinder to let Jason take the boys on it for a ride. They had a blast. They even let us borrow their pink helmet for the boys to wear. They looked so cute in it. So manly....
 While Lincoln was on a ride with his Uncle Kevin, Kambry was loving the chance to play with rocks and dirt (Tenille was loving it too) and then she saw a squirrel. This squirrel came right up to us and then up a tree he went. This is Kambry watching that squirrel. She is so cute!!!
 Lincoln loved his ride.
 Kambry's turn. You have to be stylish everywhere you go....just ask Kambry.
 Spencer loved all the time he had running around exploring with his cousins.
 Mr. Blue Eyes
 Luke's turn on the 4-wheeler. He was totally pulling off the pink.
 Jason getting ready for a ride with his boy.

 Tenille on a nature walk with Kambry and Sarah (Missy and Mike's daughter).
 Lincoln was watching "apicable me" on his Aunt Alisa's Ipad. The funny thing is is that he had to pause the movie before he would smile for the picture. Like he's never seen it before.
 Aunt Susan was in charge of the reunion this year and she had a great craft for all us girlies to do. It was a pendant "Happy Birthday" banner. So this i Aunt Carolyn and mom putting together the triangles.
 A fun family moment caught on camera.....ahhhhh!!!!
 Aunt Susan had a bunch of family games to do and so this is the beginning of the crowd to gather around and start them.
 The first game was a target game where you have 5 balls to throw in the holes in a tarp to get points. The kids were up first.....so this is the grown-ups watching.
 Spencer got 100 points....way to go, Spence!!!
 Lincoln's turn!! He got a lot of points as well.
 Lucas with his dad.
 Lucas loves to be thrown up in the air.
 This is all the grownups taking their turns.
 Aunt Carolyn
 Tenille got a whopping 300 points!!!
 So now it's Kev's turn to try to beat her.
 And of course, he couldn't let his wife show him up, he got 400 points.
 Jason got 400 points as well.
 Luke just walking around.
 I decided to up my points by throwing Lucas threw. I don't think it worked. It was worth a try, right.
 Second game was a cheeto throwing game. Emilie and Jordan (who is going on a mission soon to Romania, by the way....congrats) were th guinea pigs who wore the shower caps covered with shaving cream and then lt us throw cheetos at their heads. Good sports.
 Spencer had a kick throwing cheetos at Jordan's head.

 Some little ones chose to eat their cheetos instead of wasting them by throwing them.
The picture above is a picture of Tenille taking a picture of me taking a picture of her. Poetic, right.
 The end result of the game. I think our team won.....it helped when UNcle Tom dumped the rest of the bag on Jordan's head to get us more points, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
 Then they decided to put their heads together.
 Third game....ping pong spoon race. It didn't help that it was windy. Our team tried to stick it on with tree sap....but we decided not to. Spencer did a great job at this game.
 Kevin and Tenille were on opposite teams so this is Kevin "helping" Tenille with her spoon. Isn't he so nice?
 Look at her eye him as she rounds the tree.
 She knew he was going to try to "help" again. I didn't mind since Kev was on my team.
 Lincoln showing me ho cute and innocent he looks.
 Spencer made himself at home with Aunt Larena and Uncle Tom. He just sat between them and visited with them.
 Another cute moment with Tenille and Luke.
The picture below is when we were eating dinner and with Alisa having recent jaw surgery she can only eat certain foods. A lot of liquids and soft soft foods. So she is eating a Carnation Instant Breakfast and Linc says, "You know Aunt Aseesah, we share in this house" (something he hears all the time at home) So this is after finishing off his "shared" portion of her meal. He was loving every drop. If you can see, he has it ear to ear. It was so nice of her to share with him.
 This was at night when the grown-ups were playing a game. Alisa got out her IPad and the kids enjoyed yummy desserts while watching a movie. That is one thing about these reunions....guaranteed yummy food.
 The boys loved playing the Sega while we cleaned up before heading home.
 Kev was trying to see who weighed more. Lucas was the winner on that one.

Luke playing Peek-a-boo with his Uncle Kevin. We had a great time at the reunion. Aunt Susan did a great job putting it all together. Til next year....

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