Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Party time = One LONG day!!!

 The morning started off with running to the store super early to pick up supplies for the joint party for Lincoln and Spencer. I then headed home just to get a phone call from Jason at work saying that they have a Captain America there from 11-1pm. So after I emptied the car, I piled the kids in the car and headed to yet another Walmart. We got some pictures taken with him and picked up some more groceries and realized they didn't have what I needed. So back in the car and off to another grocery store. As I pulled in the parking lot of Harmons, Luke fell asleep. Totally asleep!!! I carried him in on my shoulder and had the other two by my side. Not being able to push a cart with Luke on my arm, the boys carried the groceries around the store. With their arms all full, Lincoln looks up to me and says, "Mom, I need to go to the bathroom". So we pay and in the bathroom we go. He had to fend for himself with the help of Spencer and washed his hands. Burning his arm on the hand dryer. So I had a kid asleep on my arm, oldest one holding the groceries and the middle one screaming all the way out to the car. And it was only 2pm. Oh boy!!!!
 My 3 boys with the Captain America we HAD to see.

 Jason with his buddies from work.

So the picture below is the only picture I took of the cookie decorating part of the party. I am so new to this whole birthday party for kids around the neighborhood that all the parents were asking when the party ends and I had no idea. It started at 6;30, so I figured an hour would be good enough. I had no idea that when you invite someone, they bring their siblings also. And then the parents leave!!!! What started out to be a small party with a few friends, turned out to be a crazy party with a whole bunch of kids. Thank goodness for Kevin and Tenille that came over with Kambry and they helped out a lot!! I was a little overwhelmed.....and completely exhausted by this point.
 The pinata was a good idea, but then at the start of the party a kid kicked it over and the tie at the top came off and so we had to jimmy rig the rope.
 We didn't have a bandana to tie around the kids eyes so this is Jason's way of making it more difficult for the kids to hit the pinata.
 It was Spencer's turn first.
 One hit and the pinata fell apart. The rope broke the top off and we had to come up with another way. So we put it on the ground and the kids took turns kicking it. It worked.
 The boys opening their presents
 Spencer has a lot of girl friends, so they all made him homemade cards, which were so cute.
 This is Spencer giving his love to Faythe, thanking her for the awesome card.
 Spencer being Spencer
 Uncle Kevin and Aunt Tenille give the best presents. See his reaction. He loved it!! Thanks guys, for coming, showing your support and the awesome gifts. Aunt Alisa and Aunt Tena came a little bit later and it was so good to see them also. I have the best family!!!

 Lincoln opened up his gift from us....yup, the fun clothes.
 Another love.....I mean, birthday card.
The boys had a great time at their party. We appreciated all the help and support we got from friends and family. I was so happy we could have a joint party for the 2 boys and that it turned out as well as it did. I am grateful that birthday parties are only once a year, though.

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