Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hogle Zoo 4/27/13

 I love how I couldn't get Quincy's attention to get a picture. He was just staring at the tv. So I took one anyway....good one of Linc.
 Pop tart time.....breakfast of champions....I know, I'm so bad.
 Hank tried to run away before I could snap a picture.....but I got him.
 I looked over at Hank....this is how he was playing the IPad. So funny. Then after a few minutes I hear very loud breathing and.....
 this is what I saw.....he was totally out.
 Spencer took this picture. Pretty good.
 Another cute moment caught on camera of Q and Hank.
Hank was trying to get him to say his name.
 He's now trying to get Quincy to smile. It was a very funny one-sided conversation.
 Then Lincoln joined in.
 Quincy loves bath time. I put barely enough water in to touch his ears and he just splashes like crazy.
 "Really....another picture"
 Spencer brought home this glove with cotton balls in each finger tip and a different type of seed from school. The cotton balls were wet and all we had to do is take it outside during the day so it can get some sun. This is the end result before it went into the trash. It was pretty cool how we never had to rewet the cotton balls and the sprouts got longer and longer. Spencer wanted me to take a picture of it. So here it is.
 Spencer loves being the oldest. He just adores his brothers....even though I do hear now and then, that he wishes he had a sister. But oh well.
 I love when they cooperate for a picture like this.
 Jason was home for a day so we took advantage of it and went to the Zoo. It was really the first warm Sat. so it was really packed. But still, we had a great time. This summer they have a whole bunch of different displays made entirely of Legos. So this is the frog display.
 Quincy was just happy to be out of his car seat.  He loved just sitting like a big boy in the stroller and looking all around.
 The boys loved the monkeys.
 This was Hank's first time at the Zoo. He was loving every minute of it.
 I think the boys favorite part was the elephants.
 Hank was in love too.
 Aren't they so cute!!?
 The boys were also loving all the time with their dad. It's so tough having him around only a day or two a week.
 My boys are so fun.....most of the time....lol!!
 Hank wanted to pet the baby elephant.
 But  this is as close as they could get.
 Another Lego display.
 Spencer has a zoo project at school and this is the animal he's going to do. It's supposed to be a morph of 2 animals in different classifications so he's going to be a rhino  shark. Should be very interesting.
 The boys wanted to see the seals, but they were always on the other side. But it was too packed to move over there, so we had to wait for them to swim our way....which wasn't very often.
 This is what Hank would do when they wouldn't come over to us.
 Then this is the face when he saw them up close and personal.  He'd say, "I saw em".
 Stuck in a log
 Boy picture
 Spencer wanted me to take a picture of him standing on this log. It took him a while to get himself up there.
 Waiting for the seal and otter show.
 Lego Polar Bear. This bear has over 95,000 pieces of Legos to it....that's insane,
 My Q and me
 Potty break
 Poor polar bear in the corner of this small cage. I thought he'd be out and about. I guess it was too hot for him.
 This was the weirdest pose for a giraffe.
 This is Lincoln seeing the giraffes. He loves how the giraffes head was resting on his back. I asked him if he could do that and he just laughed.
 Lego penguins
My Spencer and me
 At the Lego monkeys...all I could say was thank goodness for the Lego displays because half of the whole zoo was closed for construction. It was worth going with the kids, but I couldn't believe how much was closed.
 Hank was so thirsty that we were supposed to share this drink and all he was supposed to do was carry it to the table. This is how he carried it to the table....not once did he look up. and it was empty by the time he ran into the table. I guess he was pretty thirsty.
 Lego turtles
 On an elephants trunk.
 These displays were really neat because they were all Legos. I didn't realize all of these pictures I took had my reflection in them....oops. Oh well. The boys loved doing their apes and monkey expressions.
 Ooo Ooo Ooo!!!
This really applies....Hank as a monkey.
 Sorry about the reflection. Darn it!!
 Spencer was showing me how frightened he would be if heever  encountered a gorilla.
 This is Lincoln's cared look.
 Last stop...the gorilla. It was so funny...there was a ton of people around him and right when Hank got up to the glass, the gorilla looked right at him. He bent down nose to nose with Hank. I couldn't get my camera out fast enough. It was the best ending to a great day.
 Here it is...looking straight at Hank.
 My 3 monkeys
At the end of the day. We had a great time at the zoo. Next time we won't go on a weekend and we will wait for the rest of the zoo to open up, but it still was great spending the day with the family.

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