After we ate a delicious meal with funeral potatoes and ham (is that the universal meal of all Mormons?) we then dyed Easter eggs with Micah and Spencer. We stripped both kids down and put aprons on both of them (no pictures of those because I was helping dye eggs) and this is what the back of Spencer's apron looked like. I reminds me of those hospital gowns and the nice opening in the back.

I think the stickers that were supposed to be on the eggs made their way on the kids instead. Micah had a blast putting them on everyone including Spencer.

Tan little Tenille with Lincoln. Kev and Tenille just got back from Hawaii. She went over and joined him after he did some electrical work over there for most of March. She went over for 8 days and they brought the sun back with them in the form of a tan. They are both so dark, I am not jealous or anything. If you believe that, I have some ocean front property in Utah to sell ya. I am super jealous. They are sooooo dark. She looks like she's wearing nylons, but she's NOT. They both look so good. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Now you have to understand that his chair that Kev's sitting in is about 60 yrs old. And if you can't tell it's a child's size rocking chair. He can get his boney little body to fit comfortably in it too. He is so skinny. It makes me sick.

Two of the cutest kids around, I think, minus some of the other cuties in our family. Mainly all of Spencer's cousins are in that category.
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