On Sat. we went to the Herriman city Easter Egg Hunt. Spencer was the top of the totum pole of his age bracket. He was in the 0-2 years hunt. NOBODY believed he was 2 years old. They kept asking us how old he was and then they would even go up to him and ask him (as if it'd be a different answer) but no he would say "I'm two". Then he would stand on the outside of the corded off area and proceed to say "C....A...U...T...I...O...N" reading the tape around the area. Then people would say "Yeah right he's 2". That came and bit us didn't it. Anyways, we knew the truth and that's what's important. Next year he's going to be at the bottom of the totum pole with the 3-6 yr hunt. Oh well, he had a blast.
This is Spencer waiting patiently. We arrived about 45 minutes early because last year we were 5 minutes early and the city goofed and instead of going on the blowhorn to announce the hunt is about to start they accidentally set off the sound button and off the kids went, we were rounding the corner to the hunt and we booked it to the area but by the time we got there (2 seconds later) the hunt was over and Spencer went home with an empty basket. It was so sad, so anyways, we didn't want that repeated this year. And instead we were one of the first there.
Lincoln just along for the ride. It was so cold we didn't even get him out of the stroller. What is he going to do with candy? I couldn't believe how many parents were there with one child who were probably under the age of 5 months. It's called go to the store and buy candy for yourselves you greedy people. What are kids under 1 going to do with candy? Share with their parents, I guess.
Spencer loved being early so he can make a plan with what he wanted. The first picture shows Dad and Spence planning their attack. Spencer saw this stuffed snake (it was really nice about 4 feet long) and he said he just had to have it. That's what he was shooting for.
Right before we left for the hunt. Spencer was soooo ready.
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