Sat night we went into Burley before the fireworks and visited Grandpa Gorringe, we had a great visit. He is a remarkable man, I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

Micah and Spencer relaxin' in Uncle Kev and Aunt Tenille's chair, they were the favorite to sit in, these kids are no dummies!!

Bowler family!!!

The Matthews family reunion picture.

All the Hale clan came, it was so fun.

We had a family olympics on Sat. that consisted of a farmer game with candy (which is a hoot to watch, I was changing Linc at the time, but Spencer was the best cow ever, his moo was so loud), a frisbee toss through a hoop, a water sponge relay race, water ballon toss, and an obstacle course (we have video on that one). The Hale clan took first place (gold prize: bag of rolos). We had a blast!!!

The cheering section for the obstacle course.

Waiting for their turn at the obstacle course.

This was the race for the kids at the family olympics.

This was the coaching the kids got right before the race.

Lincoln was so good the whole weekend. He just loved being outside with all the commotion going on,he had a lot to look at.

Tenille and Kev enjoying the nice day. Poor Tenille had just returned from being on a Trek that week and had a morning to rest and then off to the reunion so she was a bit beaten up, I felt bad when I saw her hobble around on blistered feet.

Spencer LOVED the time he had with Micah. Luckily he never gave her "soft" kisses.............yet..........just kidding. Just hugs.

This was after they played tag.

Kev and Brett put Micah and Spencer on their sholders and played tag together. It was super cute, the kids were having the greatest time. They ran all around the house. Kev and Brett didn't even look tuckered out after all that running. Their the best sports ever. Thanks so much for being so great with them.

Oh, do you see something?

I don't think I've heard these kids giggle that much. Thanks guys for being so awesome with them.

Micah is showing me what she got from the "white elephant" game.

Another great picture of Micah, I think I rake more of Micah than I do my own kids. Or maybe it's about even, any way, it's a lot. She's just too darn cute.

Jason giving wisdom to the little ones. See Micah's face, she's taking it all in. That or she's thinking "What in the world is Uncle Jason talking about." You pick

Spencer with Aunt Jonsie

We had a great time at Grandma & Grandpa's house, we hadn't had a reunion there for a long time so it was so neat being there with everyone, it was bitter sweet though because this was the last reunion there. So we made the most of it!!!

I put Lincoln on a blanket all alone and ten seconds later I come back and this is what I saw. Cousins are so cute together.

Becky was so funny. I was taking pictures like I always do and I turn to take a picture of her playing the game and this is what she was doing, so I took her picture. Spencer would say "So funny"

Uncle Kev with Micah. Spencer saw this picture and he said " Ohhhhh sooooo toot" (translation oh, so cute)

This picture Spencer's face is telling mom to put away the camera.

Talkin' Sports......pretty good guess....I'd say.

Micah being adorable (like always). I took a lot of pictures of Micah because how could you not!!!!

Girls relaxin' in the shade.

Cutest picture I took that weekend, I think.

Everybody brought their tents, it was so fun. This was the place to shop around for tents if you needed one, that's for sure. The second night there we had some intruders that came in and collapsed one tent and banged on the trailers at 3 in the morning. About 15 minutes later they came back and all we heard was someone shouting "Get outta here" and then we heard "Holy bleep" as they ran past our tent. Jason shot out of the tent and all he saw was them jump into a car and drive off. I won't name any names on the big bad wolf that scared the ------ out of them. It was the talk of the reunion the next morning. It didn't really hurt us much other than Lincoln woke up from it and cried a little.

The view from the front yard.

Grandma Gorringe's headstone at Oakley cemetery.

Linc in the car on the family history tour.

This was a house that my mom remenbers visiting when she was young. The owners are related to us and they let us go in and see it. It was so neat.

I think every father does this to their child. Spencer loves it!!

This was a game of "get me, mom".

The clan inside the house.

It was neat to see a place of history. Family History.

On the night of the 4th we went into Burley and watched the fireworks. It was really fun. Kev and Tenille had the best seat in town though, right before we went into town we packed up some furniture that was going back to South Jordan in Kev's truck. It was a nice cush recliner. The problem was it wasn't that comfy though because they had both Micah and Spencer with them.

This was their seat before the kids bombarded them. Pretty good spot for the fireworks.

So Uncle Tom had a video of Grandma & Grandpa Matthews talking about how important the flag was to them. It was so special, Grandma told us about how we are related to John Adams. Then after we went out for a flag ceremony, Kev and Brett put up the flag and Brett lead us with the "Pledge of Allegience" and then Tena's daughter, Britney sang the National Anthem. It was a neat experience. Thanks Uncle Tom!!!

So I borrowed some pictures from Tenille (thanks Tenille, I love ya) and I need to explain this picture. Spencer loves giving "soft" kisses to special woman in his life. He really is good, it's creepy. It just makes me laugh (won't in a few years from now). But for now, it's cute.

Cute family!!! Thanks Tenille for the picture, I'm such a stealer!!!

Spencer taking time to smell the whatever these flowers are, I don't know, I'm not a botanist.

Cute cousins hangin' out in the swing.

This was everyone that went on the family history tour in Oakley, ID.

This is a house that has been in the Matthews family for a long time. Grandpa's uncle's house, "Tuff Matthews". It was neat to go inside and explore.

This picture was at the Oakley Museum, our group was probably the largest they've seen there. Oakley's not that big of town and that's an understatement.
1 comment:
It looks like you guys had a BLAST! What an awesome experience. LOVED the pictures.
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