We went to the open house of the Oquirrah Mountain Temple and as Spencer says "it's phenomenal". He loved every minute of being in there. It was so special, he has been talking and pointing to "Angel Boroni" on top of that temple for some time now, so it was so neat for him to be inside. He was so good!!! He was more reverent than most of the other adults and kids in there. He went from room to room holding Aunt Alisa and Joni's hands and just admired how "bootiful" and "phenomenal" it was. He was so cute. I was so proud of him. He was extraordinary in there.

Sweet sisters!!!! I love ya so much!!!

It was struck by lightning.....wonder how they'll clean it before the dedication. It's so interesting how it looks. So I had to take a picture, won't see this everyday.

Big fun at Herriman days. We were right in front of the fireworks...it was so neat...they were so big. Grandma Hale went with us....we had a blast. The kids loved watching the "booms".

Spencer ready for the "booms" to come. He was just mesmerized the whole time. On the way home he looked out the window and said, "Come on moon, come to our house, did you see the booms too? It was cute.

Linc and Spence with their "lightsabers". They had a good time with the glow sticks.

This was the perfect sunset in Herriman while we waited for the fireworks.

Spencer had a good time in the firetruck.

Now we are at the Country Fest in South Jordan. It was a weekend fun of rainstorms. It was a 2 day event and the whole day and a half was downpour. We didn't plan on going because of the rain but it was SAWYER BROWN performing Sat. night so hope was still there.....for me. Jason wasn't so optimistic. So the concert was at 8:30pm and it rained HARD all day until about 7pm, then it stated to clear. Grandma Hale didn't want to go, thought it'd be too windy and cold so she watched Linc for us and off we went with Spencer. It was AWESOME, they put on the best concerts. The energy is off the charts. Spencer danced the whole time. He shook all he had. It was great.
The fireworks were supposed to follow the concert but with all the rain they cancelled it, without the memo we turned our chairs to watch it and after seeing everyone leaving we asked about it....we got the bad news and Spencer lost it. He was shouting "I'm ready for the booms now" "Come on booms, let me see ya". So we tried to divert his attention to the carnival rides that were going on. So we told him we were going to ride a ride.......well little did we know, they weren't selling any more tickets for the night....even though we just wanted one and they were still going...people were still in lines for them....so again we broke the news to Spencer....he again started crying....then we told him we'd buy him a treat for being so good during the concert... they were all out of everything....how is that possible when this was the only night things were going on. So alas, we drove to Harmons (had to grab some A-1 sauce anyways) and he got to pick out a goodie. All's well in the world. He was happy so we were too.
So moral of the story : don't tell kids they'll get something before you check on the quantity of that item.
Another side note: A-1 sauce.....yeah, it's that important!!!

Spencer all ready for the concert.

My boys

Spencer's reaction when they started singing and everyone got to their feet and danced. He was definitely in his element.
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