We took the Disneyalnd Express from LAX to our hotel. It was really fun to see Spencer's face when the bus arrived. He yelled, "Look, it's Disneyland!"This was his face on the bus, I really wish he could have been more excited!!

The 1st day!!!
Spencer wanted to join in on the "Jedi Academy" show. They pick about 30 kids out of the audience and robe them up and give them a retractable lightsaber and teach them moves. It's really cute and if you have boys, it's a must see!!! Spencer wasn't picked the first time we went so we just watched and had to hold him back from running up on stage to fight Darth Vader and Darth Maul. He kept pointing at them yelling "You don't scare me!"
This was his face when he first saw Darth Vader. He was ready to fight.
Linc was just happy to be there.
This first day we were there they were filming a commercial so they had all of the castle blocked off and all of Fantasyland. Good thing we had 2 more days there or I would have been a little upset.
The awesome castle during the day.
So every picture we take with Lincoln is a dud. We either get the top of his head or him looking off in the distance. It's a little frustrating. He's not getting the clear picture here. Doesn't he know I'm a freak about pictures.
See, a cute picture of Lincoln's noggin.
The awesome castle at night. It was amazing!!! Pictures don't even do it justice. It's incredible.
Yeah, Jason took this cute picture of my bowleggedness. Nice one, hon.
Another family picture of Lincoln not cooperating. Oh well, what can you do!!!
Oh, I know just leave him out!!!!!!!!! Just kidding...
See, there he is.
Another of the castle. I couldn't get enough of it.
Spencer with the TALL Christmas tree.
Our second attempt at Spencer being picked for the Jedi Academy..............he was in suspense. He wanted this sooooo bad.
YEAH!!!!!! He was picked!!! It was good for him and for us so we can see the rest of the park.
He was having a hard time with the lightsaber, he couldn't retract it fast enough so with his fast thinking he would push it in far enough to close it but wouldn't let it click, so when they said to retract them he would just turn it over and it would fall out. He's so smart, it's scary!!!!
Now it was his turn to fight Darth Vader...........he was one of the last to go because he was so into watching everyone else go he let everyone pass him in line.
It was priceless, they were supposed to be doing the moves he says, like "right leg, left leg, now duck, head, right arm, left arm" well Spencer was just in his own zone and he continued to just swing his lightsaber over and over and over again at his lightsaber. It was so cute how fast and good he was doing it that everyone in the audience cheered louder and louder and eventually he had a standing ovation. He was so cute. The Jedi leader had to pull him away and he said "Very good, those were better moves than I taught you!" It was so funny.

Then after Darth Vader was defeated by the young jedi's they lined the kids up side by side and told them they were now a Jedi and had them disrobe and turn their lightsabers in and they were handed a certificate. It was the highlight of Spencer's whole trip. He is now a Jedi!!!!!!!!!
On the Finding Nemo ride, Lincoln fell asleep right as we entered the submarine. He was asleep the whole time.
Spencer was engrossed!!!!
It's GOOFY!!!!

Another highlight of Spencer's trip, the one and only person Spencer wanted to see. "Aunt Alisa's boyfriend".

Pluto came behind Spencer while we were walking and took him by the hand and lead him away from us. Spencer just looked up and kept on walking with him. We didn't have our camera at the ready so we missed that picture, it would have been so cute, but we did get this one. Equally as cute.

This is on the Heimlich ride at California Adventure side in the Bug's Land. The ride stopped halfway into it and we had to get off and walk out. That was a different experience to walk arould the ride instead of in on the ride itself, but anyway.
Spencer loved controlling the bumper cars, we just went around in circles, not bumping into anything.

As you can see, it was FREEZING in southern California (I know, wierd). So we had to bundle up.

This picture was taken late at night after a full day at the park. Spencer was deliriously happy while he was eating dinner. It was so funny, he barely kepy his eyes open while he was shoveling food in his mouth. We were laughing so hard at him. That made him laugh even harder.
You can barely see all four of us in these next two pictures, but were all in them.

Lincoln while we waited for the Playhouse Disney show. SOOOO CUTE!!!
Still waiting!!!!

"It's HANDY MANNY!!!!"
Spencer went right up to Mr. Incredible and asked "Are you Mr. Incredible" and he shook his head and then Spencer said, "WOW, you're phenomenal!" It was cute.

It's a Small World was so awesome with all the lights. Even the inside of the ride is decked out for Christmas.

Spencer and I ran into Mickey's house real quick to see inside, but when we got inside the wait for Mickey was no wait at all so we went in to see him.

Spencer on Mickey's couch.

Spencer was so excited when they opened the doors and there was Mickey Mouse!!! He ran right up and gave him a huge hug. He then asked him "Are you Aunt Alisa's boyfriend?" (Alisa told Spencer before we left to say "hi" to her boyfriend for her) Mickey then shook his head and Spencer said, "Oh, yes!!!" and then we took a picture with him.

Spencer in front of Mickey's mailbox

Linc was asleep at this time.

The last walk out of the park. Sad time.....

We were waiting for the bus to take us back to the "showtell" (as Spencer says) and Spencer had had it. He laid down on the ground and was OUT!!!! We had to keep waking him up and everytime we tried he would just laugh and fall back to sleep. And this boy's HEAVY!!!!

Lincoln's reaction to us telling him that we're not going back to Disneyland today. That our vacation is over.....so sad!!!

While we were on the bus headed back to the airport, there was Disneyland employees on strike. They were mostly from the resort hotels. The busdriver said it was because their pays not that great and some of the policies are pretty screwed up.
This was on the flight home. The plane was super nice, Spencer enjoyed watching the tv on the back of the seats. We had a great time!!! Spencer has asked to go back to Disneyland everyday since we got back. He'll put his backpack on and say, "OK, I'm ready to go to Disneyland" and then I said, "Spencer, we just got back. It's going to be a while before we go back. Maybe when you're 4 1/2 or even maybe closer to 5."
This was our room at the Red Lion just acroos the street from the park.
The tree they had on Main Street is also incredible, the ornaments are bigger than our heads and I have no idea the height. Tall, I'd guess!!! :) Very tall ;)
Ohhhh, what big hips you have!!!!
Spencer and I ran into Mickey's house real quick to see inside, but when we got inside the wait for Mickey was no wait at all so we went in to see him.
Spencer on Mickey's couch.
Spencer was so excited when they opened the doors and there was Mickey Mouse!!! He ran right up and gave him a huge hug. He then asked him "Are you Aunt Alisa's boyfriend?" (Alisa told Spencer before we left to say "hi" to her boyfriend for her) Mickey then shook his head and Spencer said, "Oh, yes!!!" and then we took a picture with him.
Spencer in front of Mickey's mailbox
Linc was asleep at this time.
We were waiting for the bus to take us back to the "showtell" (as Spencer says) and Spencer had had it. He laid down on the ground and was OUT!!!! We had to keep waking him up and everytime we tried he would just laugh and fall back to sleep. And this boy's HEAVY!!!!
Lincoln's reaction to us telling him that we're not going back to Disneyland today. That our vacation is over.....so sad!!!
While we were on the bus headed back to the airport, there was Disneyland employees on strike. They were mostly from the resort hotels. The busdriver said it was because their pays not that great and some of the policies are pretty screwed up.
So later that day, this is how this conversation started.
Spencer: "Guess what, Mom"
Me: "What, Bub"
Spencer: "I'm five, yeah!!!!! So now it's time to go to Disneyland....let's go....come on!!!!"
So I had to ecplain to him that if he's 5 then Lincoln would be 3.......that ended that conversation. It was really cute.
soooo fun! love all the pictures of your little adventure to disneyland. I told sam you were all going and he wanted to go. we are seriously thinking about taking him. Happy new year! hope to see you all soon. hugs paula
The girls and I are looking at your pictures and we are very jealous...it looks like it was such a fun trip. We love and miss you all!!
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