We celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas day with the Bowler family this year. We had a great time being together as a family and just laughing. With all that's been going on, it's great to just relax and laugh together leaving all cares and worries aside for a while.

Kelsey on Christmas day.

Our beautiful Brenna!!!! Or as Spencer says "that's my Brenna".

Jon taking Christmas ALL IN!!!

Two pretty girls, Tessa and Brenna

Jon still taking in all of the excitement

Lincoln loved everything about Christmas (the presents or should I say the wrapping paper, the boxes the presents came in and everything else)

Jason reading to the boys on Christmas morning before everyone else came.

We had our own family Christmas before everyone came. It was so fun.

Linc loved Spencer's sleeping bag.

So did Spencer

The night of Christmas Eve, Grandma Bowler gave all the kids pj's for the night. As you can see, Spencer's halfway there. He liked this look better than pj's or it was the fact his mom was too lazy to change him before this picture was taken. It's probably the later of the two, unfortunatly.

Story time, it was actually Brenna reading to all of us. She's a great little storyteller.

Brenna was in deep conversation with Papa about who came to visit tonight.

Spencer and Brenna are super cute together. They play so great together and Spencer just adores her. He kept calling her "my Brenna" all night and they held hands all the time. Spencer says that him and Brenna are like the Fox and the Hound, he says "we're the best of friends" it's really cute.

our little angel, Brenna and Mary, McKenna. We had the best Nativity Pagent ever!!!

My little shepherd!!!!

Angel Brenna relaxin'. It's tiring to be an angel!

This is Brenna's reaction when "you-know-who" arrived. She was in total shock that Santa would come to Grandma and Papas house just to see them.

Spencer was also in total awe of Santa coming to see him. We are so lucky that we were on his list to come see in person.

Santa was in such a hurry because it was the busiest day for him that he was in and out. He passed out some awesome candy too. How lucky were we!!!!

Brenna when Santa first arrived.

Tessa and tired Spencer

During the pagent.

Lincoln was a good little boy to play Baby Jesus. He was so good.

Spencer kept smelling Lincoln's feet and saying "eeeewwwww" and then lincoln would crack up laughing.

Our little Nativity!!! Best ever, I'd have to say!!! Mary (McKenna), Joseph (Caden), Angels (Brenna, Tessa, Kelsey), baby Jesus (Lincoln), and shepherd (Spencer).
1 comment:
Ohhh, memories! It was so fun. I wish it wasn't over! (for the most part :) ) Love you guys!
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