So this was the conclusion to our Hale family get together for the month of Sept. Micah went outside with the boys to play and about 10 minutes later, Micah was screaming holding on to her elbow. They took her to the ER and 2 1/2 hrs later came back with this on. The doctor told them that she broke 2 bones in her elbow and she might need surgery on it. She was a real trooper.

This is right when they got back from the ER, she has pain meds in her and she was feeling a little loopy!!

We went to Britney's wedding (Tena's daughter) and the boys were loving all the dancing that went on. They had moves I've never seen before.

Spencer strutting his stuff.

Thank goodness for Aunt Alisa, she saves the day again....for the millionth time. She brought her IPad so the boys can play with it. The wedding was at 3pm and the reception was at 7pm so there was a LONG time to kill. The boys did exceptionally well, all 3 of them.

Kambry showing us how adorable she is. She is such a little cutie pie.

I mean seriously.....can she be any cuter. I think not!!!

She always is the life of the party, that's for sure.

Uncle Kev helping out with the tables. The boys also tried to help, but I think they were just more in the way than anything, but they thought they were helping, that counts for something....right?

Kambry showing some lovin to her cousin.

Lincoln not minding it a bit.

Lucas now wanting a piece of the action.

Spencer so innocent looking....what's he up to? That's what I'm thinking. Is that so bad....this look and I wonder, "What's been broken or wrecked?" Yes, I am that type of mom, but the sad thing is that 80% of the time, I'm right. Ahhh man!! Just kidding, he's a pretty good kid. I have been very lucky.

Again another time Lucas just bounced himself to sleep. It doesn't help that it's actually 3 in the morning and he's still in there from breakfast.....really, all of you who read that thought I was serious. You either are horrible or I am really portrayed poorly....or is this just how I am.....no one will ever know. But seriously, really you thought I'd do that. I at least take him out to feed him and make sure his diaper isn't leaking down his leg. You know the occasional part-time mom bit. Always doing my job....well part-time that is.

Come on people this is the same time, just a different angle.....or is it?
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