I took 2 pictures and the whole ride back to the house I kept looking back. Spencer was totally asleep.......I thought. All of a sudden I hear laughing and Spencer says, "Mom, I got you. Did you really think I was asleep". That little jokster. He did such a great job at holding still. I couldn't believe how well he tricked me.
Disclaimer: I have made this blog for the intent to show loved ones what we've been up to lately. I also want to one day print it out and have it as a journal for the kids. I am not doing this to brag at all. I just thought this is a great way for you all to see what life's been like for us and what we've been doing. I love to see other people's blogs and see their pictures and see what they've been up to. That's all I'm doing here. Thank you!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Jam-packed visit
My mom wanted to get away and go to St. George for the weekend to visit my sis that lives down there, so I decided I would hitch a ride down with her. So the boys and I went down and stayed with her at the hotel for 2 nights and then Jason came down and we went to Tuachan and visited grandparents and swam a lot. It was a jam packed visit (which is how it always is). The boys had a great time at the hotel and then we got Jason for a couple days all to ourselves (which is very rare), so we ate it up.
This is when we went to Gunlock to visit Jason's grandparents. Grandma Bowler is such a trooper. She is one of the best woman I've ever known. She has a hard time talking nowadays, but just being in her presense, you could feel the love. We love her so much.
The boys couldn't stop hugging her.
Spencer was deep in thought here, telling her all about himself and what he's been up to.
Jason was getting some great advice from his grandpa. It was so cute. He was telling Jason that there is 3 things he needs to be to be a good father, husband and son. He said he was, "example, example, example". Look at Lucas listening in.
Grandma was holding the boys hands and giving them great big hugs. Lincoln didn't mind it one bit.
Grandpa Bowler is the sweetest man ever. Jason's dad is the exact way. They just have the biggest hearts. The whole time grandpa was talking to us, he was tearing up, wheich then made me tear up. He kept saying how important family is. It is so true. I am so glad my boys get to know there great grandparents. THey are special people to us and these pictures will always be cherished.
Lincoln kept looking at grandma and would smile and laugh. He knows and can feel her love she has for them.
Spencer was holding grandma's hand the whole time he was sitting there.

My 3 boys with their great grandpa.
We had a good visit with them.
So cute.

We wanted to get this 4 generation picture. I love it.
Right when we got there, Grandma wanted to hold Lucas right away.
This is on the way home from seeing "The Little Mermaid" at Tuachan. I looked back and saw this. Spencer was so tired that he fell asleep in this position. It was so funny, I wanted to take a picture of it.
I took 2 pictures and the whole ride back to the house I kept looking back. Spencer was totally asleep.......I thought. All of a sudden I hear laughing and Spencer says, "Mom, I got you. Did you really think I was asleep". That little jokster. He did such a great job at holding still. I couldn't believe how well he tricked me.
This is him laughing right after he decided to "wake" up.
The whole gang that went to the show. It was supposed to be just us with Jason's parents, but Dad decided not to go because of his back and then it turned out to be a cousins night out. It was too bad that the boys couldn't hang out with their grandparents for the night, but the boys had fun with their cousins.
This production was amazing and that doesn't even explain it enough. It really was the best show I've seen there. They did an excellent job. The boys were mesmerized the whole show. The only time Spencer went to the bathroom was at intermission. There was no way he wanted to miss a thing.

Every time they were supposed to be underwater, they would turn on this sheet of water and project images onto it and dance and act behind it. It was incredible.
This is how it started, they flooded the stage with water and this huge boat came out. This is when I knew it was going to be good.
Another shot of flooding the stage.
Our family right before it started.

Lucas was so good the whole time we were down there. He really is an amazingly good kid.
Grandma Woodbury took any chance to hold him. Lucas didn't mind it at all. He was all smiles for her.

Grandma Woodbury wanted to feed him at every feeding. She is such a great lady. We love her so much.
We went swimming a lot at the hotel pool. Lucas loved every minute of it.

This was the joint birthday party we had for Colton and Spencer. Colton turned 1 on the 7th and Spencer is now "a hold hand" as he says it. This is when I told the cousins I wanted to take a picture of them together. So cute. I don't think they like each other at all. We really need to work on that.
Spencer is such a lovey kid, so he was in heaven here.

Spencer got a LeapPad for his birthday. All he wanted for his birthday, when I asked was a green straw. So I taped a green straw onto this present, he was a little more excited for the LeapPad then the straw. I don't get it.
Another cousins lovin' shot.

This was before he opened his LeapPad, he opened this storage case and we told him we got the wrong one and we needed to take it back. So that's his reaction to the news. He was devastated.
This is when he opened up his LeapPad.
Lincoln after eating a cupcake. I think he got some in his mouth....I think. He's wearing most of it.
Spencer and Lincoln eating cupcakes.
Colton got a smash cake to eat and this is Jason helping him out.....or painting his face with frosting....I think it's a little of each.
After a while he really got into it. Literally!!!
Grandma Woodbury just enjoying the festivities.
Everyone watching Colton got at it.
Spencer with his dinosaur cupcake cake. He helped me pick it out.
This is when Colton really didn't get what he was supposed to do. He was just wondering what we were staring at him for.
Spencer blowing out his candles that re-light. He loved it.

Cake time!!!
Spencer loving all the attention.
Colton getting sung to. Waiting to dig in.

It was so neat how Harmons' will give you a smash cake for free when you order a large cake. We ordered Spencer a cupcake cake and then got this one for free.
Brenna, Spencer and Lincoln
Spencer's cake.
We ate at Cracker Barrel when Jason first arrived into town. This is us digesting our yummy food.
Lincoln loved playing with the tee game.
Spencer got sung to and then got this huge piece of cake all to himself. He did share with Lincoln. Such a good kid.
This is at the hotel. We hung this bouncer for Lucas to have fun with. He loved it.
Do you see the cart....now that's just the boys stuff and mine. Not my mom's or sisters. I know, it's so sad. But I didn't want to leave something at home that I needed, so I packed the whole house. I think you can see the couch in there somewhere along with the kitchen sink.
Another shot of our crap-ola. I don't know how to simplify. Can you tell?
The boys in the bathtub. Do you thing they need haircuts? Ummmmm, yeah me too.

Another shot of Lucas asleep in his bouncer. He really doesn't mind it....I know what you're thinking....and yes, I put him in his crib right after I snapped this picture. I promise, I did.
Ok....it was after this picture.
The boys and I went to see Brenna in action at her soccer game. She was a little pro. It was so cute seeing her in her uniform.
Lincoln was enjoying his fun dip....or should I say, his sugar rush on a stick.
Go Brenna!!!!
Tessa's game was later that day, but it was cancelled, so I don't have any action shots, but I got this one. So cute.
I was so unprepared for this game. I didn't have a blanket for the boys to sit on, no chair for myself, and no water to drink. Thank goodness for Prentiss and Jon. They are such great parents. I on the other hand, am a horrible mom. I forgot how hot it got down there, my boys were melting.

I think Spencer likes his Uncle Jonny. He was doing everything Jon was doing. It was so funny.
I took 2 pictures and the whole ride back to the house I kept looking back. Spencer was totally asleep.......I thought. All of a sudden I hear laughing and Spencer says, "Mom, I got you. Did you really think I was asleep". That little jokster. He did such a great job at holding still. I couldn't believe how well he tricked me.
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