Disclosure: This is a long post that continues on for the next 4 or so posts. Just to let you all know, we did all this in 1 day. It was so fun, but so exhausting at the same time. The kids had a great time with their grandparents, who were so awesome to take on this endevour. I know my boys were loving every second they spent with their cousins, Grandma and Papa. Thank you Mom and Dad for this day of fun. I know my kids will never forget it!! It was a very special day!!! Now sit back, relax and enjoy the pictures.....

Mom and Dad Bowler decided that they wanted to treat the grandkids to a fun weekend up in Salt Lake. They arrived on Friday night (Nov 11th, 2011) and we visited for a while before they went to their hotel.

Lucas was super excited to see his cousins and show off his new tricks. He started waving to them right when they came in. Giving high 5's to them is next.

We decided to start the next day at 10am by meeting them at their hotel and caravan to the Aquarium. We went to the Living Planet Aquarium and it was a very cold day.

This is the gang on Mr. Froggy!!

We started off in the Utah fish section and the kids loved seeing all the fish.

Then we went to the more exciting area of the aquarium. The kids thought these jelly fish were cool enough to take a picture of, they continued the rest of the day telling me what to take pictures of. It was cute. I just wonder what their pictures would look like if we just gave them all cameras. Probably pretty interesting.

Spencer wanted a pictures of the blue jelly fish since the last one was a girl one (it was pink). They didn't get that the colors kept changing.

Kelsey in front of a starfish that was as big as her head.

Lincoln was a little hesitant when looking at this huge lobster. He said, "mom, is it going to get me". I did what any good mom would do, I answered, "yup".

Isn't this a monster of a lobster.

Brenna thought these sea horses were "precious". So then she wanted me to take a picture of it.

This fish tank was ginormous, the kids kept pointing at the fish naming them, "look there's Dori, oh there's Nemo, but look there, that is the one that likes all the bubbles". You get it, if you've seen "Finding Nemo".

Kelsey and Lincoln looking at the big tank.

I had to tear Lincoln away from this tank, he loved all the colorful fish. I think these tanks are mesmorizing, I can look at the fish swim all day long.

Jason and Linc waiting for the sting rays to swim by so they can touch them.

This was the kids favorite part. The sting rays just swim in a circle and the kids can reach in a touch them. Where the kids are standing, the sting rays would come right up to them and go up the side where they are. Spencer and Brenna could reach down and the sting ray would climb up the side. They got to touch them a lot which was a great treat for the kids.

This is one of those times where the sting ray would come right up the side.

This was another area where we had to tear the kids away so we could see the rest of the exhibits. They were having a great time together.

This was another area where the kids could touch the star fish and other spikey creatures.

Brenna was so brave to touch everything she could even if it looked pretty creepy looking.

Papa with Luke at the shark tank.

Brenna and Linc looking at the sharks.

Spencer and Lincoln in the little play area they had there. The kids could climb through a bunch of coral like a fish, they said.

I told Spencer no to touch it, but he didn't listen. Oh well. Who needs 10 fingers anyways, they are so over rated.

Brenna's turn.

Tessa's turn

McKenna giving me her own face, I think she is pinching him.

Kelsey fish

Lincoln fish

This is Lincoln getting pinched. He didn't get it.

The kids wating for Lucas to arrive.

The gang under the coral.

"I think we need a bigger boat".

Linc, Kelsey and Spencer in front of the hissing hiant cockroaches.

Penguin time

Lucas enjoying his day

Spencer is telling Lincoln all about how slimy the eels are.

Spencer and the electric fish.

Brenna in front of the electric fish.

Turtle time

Linc and the piranahs

Jason is explaining the voltage that the electric fish gives off. They had a gauge that showed the voltage when the the electric fish gets agitated.

I think this flat fish was so awesome. Look at the eyes on top....it is so interesting.

Always remember "when red touches yellow.....it kills a fellow and when red touches black....friend of jack".

The kids loved watching the coins go round and round the wishing well. When we were all done, we all walked away and I looked back and saw this. I think Lincoln was trying to get his coins back. Naughty boy!!

Then this is what came next. I think actually he was trying to make his own wish.....a different mom.

Then he did this. He was so silly!!!

This was the cheapest souvenior ever. The kids loved turning the wheel and flattening their pennies. They all got their own penny squished into an animal of their choice.

When we first got to the aquarium we took a picture with all the kids in front of a green screen. So at the end, we went to see the picture that they took. It turned out so great. I asked Brenna and Spencer if they remember getting this picture taken in front of the shark tank. They said, "no, I don't remember that big shark", I said how could you not remember taking this picture, it was just a little bit ago. They were so shocked that the shark was opening it's mouth right behind them. Heeheehee!!!
After the aquarium we headed over to Wendy's for lunch. While the kids were waiting for their food, they all took turns at "Simon says". It was so cute seeing them all doing the actions.

Lucas waiting for his food too.

He thought it was so funny to spit and slobber everywhere. Yuck!!!

After lunch we went on Trax and headed downtown. By this time it was raining and by the time we got downtown it was snowing HARD!!! Good thing we all had hoods and heavy coats. Even with all the snow, it didn't stop us. Here is Spencer and Tess.

Kelsey and Brenna

McKenna with her grandma.

Lincoln sat next to me.

Lucas was supposed to go with Alisa who was getting out of the Temple later that day. We were SUPPOSED to bring a carseat and meet her downtown at the Temple and she would take him for the reat of the day. Then meet up with her after everything to take him home. BUT my loving husband forgot to bring it and we realized on the train that we didn't have it so we took him along with us for all the fun. We didn't even have the stroller, it was real fun carrying him all day, but it really wasn't all that bad. He was perfect the whole day, not one cry came from this boy.
Anyways, when we got downtown we realized we had tons of time to kill, so we headed to the movie theater to see if maybe there was a movie we could see, but no such luck. The next movie wasn't for an hour and a half, so we decided to get back on Trax and go back 2 stops and go to the Church History Museum, which was a success.