Grandma and Papa took a lot of their grandchildren to Disney On Ice. We had a really fun time. The best part for me is watching the kids reactions to seeing their favorite disney character. The kids were fixated the whole show. It was a really good show. It was the "Treasure Trove" and we saw a lot of characters. It was so fun!! Here are the pictures...enjoy!

At every show we go to we buy ears to put in the kids room on their stuffed animals. We have a good collection going and so this is Luke showing off his ears.

McKenna and Spencer waiting for the show to begin.

Lucas also waiting patiently with his Papa for the show to begin.

I love how Lucas is looking at Papa.

Lincoln was sitting on all our coats. It was a good idea on Jason's part because the boys had some very tall men sitting in front of them.

I looked over and saw Lincoln like this. It was so cute.

I don't know how he could stand that on his face, but he kept it there for a long time.

Then it ended like this. Funny kid!!

I had to take this picture of Grandma coming back from the bathroom because she did this a lot all day long. I think she took those girls to the bathroom about every 1/2 hr. I think maybe boys have a bigger bladder than girls because I think Spencer went about 4 times that day versus the girls 125 times. Just kidding on the number, but it did seem like that was the case.

This was the end of the show. All the princess were there with their princes. The girls went beserk!! It was really cute.

The next shots are just of the show. It was a fantastic show.
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