The whole month of Oct. I have been wanted to get our family to the pumpkin patch to get some pictures taken and get some pumpkins with the boys. Soooo as halloween was quickly approaching, it hadn't happened yet. So as a last ditch effort and since it was also the last weekend before halloween, Jason promised me it would happen. So after a discussion on how early it gets dark now, he got off early and off we went. He got home at about 6:30pm and by the time we got there we didn't have much light left. We hurred and snapped some pictures and picked out some pumpkins. It was a very quick trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Next year, this won't happen, we have already talked about it. But here are the pictures we did take.

Our family as the sun came down.

Lucas wasn't all that into the wheelbarrow ride. I think his backside was getting a little cold.

Off to find the perfect pumpkin!!!

Lincoln telling me which one was for him. Hw kept trying to tell me he needed a little one like him and I would point out a big one and he would say, "No mom, that one is way too big".

This was the beginning of Spencer's illness, and so he was getting chilled really quickly, so Jason took off his sweater and put it on him. But that still didn't stop him from telling us which pumpkin was for him.

This is me trying to get my finger out of the way of the picture whilst holding onto Luke. It didn't work all that well, as you can see.

Lincoln picking out his size pumpkin. "This one mom, this is the one for me, and look I can even carry it myself". Spencer had to get in on this picture too. And I'm glad he did, it turned out pretty cute.

We took one last stop before heading home...to the halloween store. Jason was determined that I had to dress up or I wasn't invited to go trick or treating with the boys, his exact words. So I found a hippie top that worked perfect for me since I like my jeans so much. This was a photo op, I couldn't refuse. The boys liked going around the store pushing all the "try me" buttons. Even the scariest things, didn't phase them. All in all, we did have a great time.
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