Disclaimer: I have made this blog for the intent to show loved ones what we've been up to lately. I also want to one day print it out and have it as a journal for the kids. I am not doing this to brag at all. I just thought this is a great way for you all to see what life's been like for us and what we've been doing. I love to see other people's blogs and see their pictures and see what they've been up to. That's all I'm doing here. Thank you!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lucas is 1!!

So this is me telling you what a year we have had. We have had our ups and we have had our downs, but the most important thing ever and the biggest up is the year we have had with our Lucas boy. He is now 1!! I can't believe it. Everyone says "where did the year go" so I won't, but I am thinking it for sure. I just know that this little boy has been one of the 3 biggest blessings in Jason and I's life. He has brought such an amazing spirit and love into this family. No matter what kind of day I am having, all I have to do is look at him and his smile and all is forgotten and my spirits are lifted and I can go on with my day happier. God knew what I needed as a 3rd child, and man, did we get it. Everyone says that their child is perfect, but I don't know, this kid is pretty dang close. I just want to wish him the best year ever and tell him how much his family loves him dearly.

Happy birthday, Luke! Your mom and dad and brothers love you soooo much! Lincoln says it best, "Yuke, we love you so much, a 'ol 'eap, with all our art, to infinity and beyond, forever and always".

1 comment:

alisa said...

You have totally stolen my love line. I can't believe it. What a thief! Well, I guess by doing that, I am already a part of the post. I love you all a 'ole 'eap, with my 'ole 'eart, to infinity and beyond, forever and for always. Happy birthday Lucas!!!