Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Halloween costumes..check and Luke's surgery

 We tried on the kids costumes...and they turned out pretty dang good....if I do say so myself.
 Luke was trying to find the best spot to get comfy and he finally found it. Up against Grandma Hale on a hard bench. Silly boy!
 On Sept. 24th, we woke up at 5am to take Luke to Primary Children's Hospital to get his adenoids and tonsils out. We knew this was going to be a long day. So instead of waiting for Disneyland to surprise him with his Hulk hoodie, we decided he needed it for this procedure. To show him he can
be strong and get through this.

 I think it was a huge hit. Right when he put it on, he showed us how strong he is.
 Look at his muscles!!!
 It wasn't until we took the hoodie off, that he got a little nervous. Then the BP cuff went on and he was having a little anxiety.
 Once we got the hospital pj's on, it went downhill from there.
 Mom kisses always help.
  So my mom craftiness kicked in and I blew up a glove as a balloon and we hit that around the room. It helped a lot.
 This was right before they took him back. That's the worst part. Having to give away your child and hoping and praying they are in good hands.
 It took longer than expected because the doctor said other than Lincoln, this little guy has ginormous tonsils and adenoids. He was so surprised that both boys that he operated on are the largest he's seen. And he's been doing this for 20 years now. It's crazy.
 Photo op. I was waiting for him to wake up. Once he did that, it was horrible.
 Poor kiddo.
 I hate seeing my boys in pain. I wish I could take on the pain for them.
 We stayed the night and almost had to be admitted because he wouldn't eat or drink anything. But in the last ten minutes, I finally got him to eat some ice cream. Phew!!!
 His oxygen level was up and down. So they kept trying to use the mask on him, but he is stubborn and wouldn't do it.
 So we put it on Elmo.
 We had some visitors, his Aunt Tena brought him and Avengers balloon and Aunt Alisa brought him a whole slew of gifts. He was definitely spoiled. It was great and so kind that they came by.
 Jason's turn to entertain him.
 Thank goodness for the IPad. It was a huge help to keep him in his bed.
 He would play it for a few seconds and put it down to fall asleep.
I think he was loving all the one on one time with his mom and dad.
 He was getting a little stir crazy, so we went out for a walk....or a ride, I should say.
 All ready to go home.
This poor kiddo asked us on the way home if he could fall asleep. Once we said yes, this was seconds later.

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