Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Recouping and laying low

 With Luke's surgery, the next couple weeks were really low key. So to entertain the boys we had to get really creative.
 So the boys and I built this megablocks house.
 It stood firm until Quincy got a hold of it. He knows construction.
 Spencer was off track, so his class got a special deal on Hale Center tickets for Tarzan. So Spencer and I had a mother son date. He was loving every minute we spent together. All night long he would look at me and say, "Mom, this has been the best night ever, I love spending one on one time with you". It was really sweet.
 After the show he wanted to congratulate all the actors and tell them what an amazing performance they did.
 He loved all the silk acrobatics they did.
 This Tarzan was amazing!!!
 Pudding fun.
 My masked superheroes.
 Even Quincy loved the mask.
 Super Lincoln roos.
 Quincy loves looking out the window and Grandma Hale loves all the tiny handprints too.
 Any chance to take a picture, Lincoln is in.
 The rest of the pictures are just randomness of the Bowler clan.
 Drunkard look. "I'll take a bottle of your house white".
 Lincoln got tired while coloring....he was out. Look, he still has the crayon in his hand.

I told Lincoln to go dress himself and he came up with Quincy's shirt on.....I have no idea how he fit a 3-6 month shirt over his noggin. It was so funny.

 Brotherly words of wisdom.
 This is how I found the two boys one night. Who needs pillows when you've got a brother.

 First day of preschool. Actually it was his first day to meet his teacher and get tested. So it was a short short day. But he was so excited.

 First official day of preschool. He cant wait to meet new friends, he said.
 Walking to preschool. He's a big boy now!!!
 This is the just add water and you get was so fun to play with.

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