Just kidding on the middle of no where thing, it does seem like your driving forever to get there though. But once you get there it doesn't seem so far away, it's just the first impression. Anyway, we have great friends of the family that live out there and they are our dear friends from Concord. We LOVE them dearly and we had the best visit. I'm just sorry because they had to put up with Lincoln teething. He was running a very high fever the whole time. And thank you, thank you, thank you to Krissy for suggesting the teething tablets. They were a lifesaver. We had a great time playing games, eating the yummiest pizza and monkey bread (to die for) and going to a fun carnival at Krissy's kids school. It was just an all around fantastic time. They are the greatest people ever and we will be friends with them FOREVER!!!!

Deanna and Spencer. This is just one way to show you how much Spencer loves his Deanna.

Spencer, Harold, Lincoln and Caryn's daughter, Caitlyn. (Sorry if I misspelled your names). Harold was such a great sport to let me get pictures with him and the kids. Spencer called them "Grandma and Grandpa Flud". I am so grateful that Spencer has so many Grandparents that love him and put up with him. He is kindof out of control sometimes. He just gets so excited. Harold, thank you for letting him call you Grandpa. He still talks about you and Elaine. He can't wait to go back.

This was when we played Uno Attack. Mom had a little too much fun making fun of all the cards that spit out for Harold. We had a good time. The time flew by too fast. The visit needed to be a lot longer.

Lincoln was trying so hard to be happy. He was in so much pain because of his teeth. He was getting both bottom teeth in at once.

Spencer kissing "Grandma Elaine's" owie. He was so concerned. He said after the kiss "there now it's all better".

This was at the little (well it really had a huge turnout) carnival at Krissy's kids school. Spencer had a fun time playing all the games and just being around everyone.

Lincoln was in love with Harold. Everytime he looked over at Harold a smile would appear on Linc's face, it didn't matter if he was crying or not.

What a trooper. You wouldn't even know she just had surgery to remove her toe and top of foot. She always had a smile on her face and never complained. I couldn't believe how well she was doing. She was even naughty and walked on it. BAD!!! Stay off that foot, lady!!! She heard that a lot while we were there.

It has been a long time since we've seen this picture. It was so good for them to talk in person and catch up.

Lincoln doesn't care if it was pink. He loved this chair and I loved how he loved it.

Have I mentioned that Spencer loves Deanna? Can you tell?

Spencer loved the closed backyard they had there. He loved going down the slide.


So sleepy!!

This was the last picture I took in Burley before we left to visit the Flud's northward. VERY NORTHWARD!!!

This is on the door of Grpa Gorringe's house. It is so cute how he just left it up.
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