Ok, let me explain about this little mishap. So we were getting all ready to go to dinner with Jon & Prenny's fam and we set Linc up on the bed with Spence. He was totally set on the pillow laying the opposite way high on the bed. Not even close to the edge. OK, OK I'm getting to it. So I was in doing my makeup in the bathroom and Jason was in the room with the boys.

Jason then said "Spencer, I'm going to get your shoes in your room, so watch Lincoln so he doesn't fall off the bed", ok, you know what happened, it happened in 2 seconds, I heard him say it and then the next second, I hear Spencer cry and Jason ran in the room and started yelling, "Spence, what happened?" The next thing I know I'm being beckoned in the room and Spencer's crying, Lincoln's crying and Jason is holding Linc. I can't see Linc so I go and talk to Spencer, I ask him to use his words and he finally mutters that he pushed Lincoln off the bed. It was dramatic. He not only fell off the bed, but we have our bed raised with cinder blocks, so he fell off falling between the night stand and the cinder block. His cheek hit the block and scraped the skin off. It looked horrible. We were afraid of the cheeckbone being broken or the jaw. It really could've been worse. It hit so close to the eye. We can't play the shoulda woulda game because that would make us sick.

So as you can see, it turned out ugly but we were really lucky. Very lucky. I've been rubbing neosporin in it, I hope it doesn't scar. He cried for bit but really he was fine. Whew!! Now if you ask Spencer what happened to Lincoln's face he will tell you straight out, "I pushed Lincoln off the bed". He felt so bad. He didn't know what the consequence was going to be on that one. We have to remind ourselves, "he's only 2". They will never be left alone on the bed again, we learned, it takes us a while but we get it eventually. We got the morale of that story.
That makes me SOOO sad. I hope he is ok!!
Wow you've been busy posting! That had to have been sooo scary. Every mother's nightmare. He looks great though.. like he's over it.. but I'm sure you won't be for a while. =)
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