So I need to explain a little what's been going on at our loving abode........So you all know the incident with linc "falling" off the bed. Well, that was just the start. So after days of applying Neosporin in Linc's face we decided to take the day and put together Grandma Hale's slide. The day was perfect for being outside......so we thought. It was dark with overcast but nice and warm. So we had Linc in his jumper under the overhang patio until he needed a bottle. So I got out a blanket and laid him on his boppy and he fell asleep....now he was only out for no longer than 45 minutes. We never expected what would happen.

So this is Spencer and his dad putting together the slide, they ad a great time together, Spence helped just a little too much.

So this is how we had him, his arms were under the burp cloth.

Spence tellin' dad how to do it.....right!

So this is that night, if you can tell he's red, but that's it, it didn't seem to really affect him much....we applied a burn cream that contained Lidocaine all over him that night and in the middle of the night also. He was a little fussy that night, normal for someone with a sunburn. I gave him Tylenol and Motrin also for the pain. No idea what that morning would bring.
So this is what we woke up to.....

Lincoln's face was soooo swollen, his eyes were slits. He couldn't even smile, he was so puffy. He didn't even look like my Linc. So I was really concerned with the swelling because as time went by he seemed to be getting worse. So after contemplating on what would decrease the swelling, I called our doctor. He said that the swelling is concerning him and I should bring him in. So we went in and as we were sitting in the waiting room blisters started forming on his face. Then another and then another and another, he had four blisters just pop up in a few minutes, then they started getting bigger and bigger. It was so scary because one was super close to his eye. They just wouldn't stop growing.
The diagnosis: Allergic to the SUN!!!!
Isn't that crazy, he said it wouldn't have mattered what I did (other than keep him out of the sun). He had 2nd degree burns on his face. He said we just need to be super careful whenever he's out in the sun or even cloudy day (what that day was). So this is Linc after we got home from the doc.

This was just the beginning of the blisters. The doctor just gave me some antibacterial cream for if they popped and then told me to give him Benedryl atop all of the other meds I was giving him. I was a walking pharmacy. It was crazy. I felt so bad for him. He was sooo miserable.
He just couldn't stop touching his face, it was so itchy (hence the Benedryl) so he kept rubbing his face with the back of his hands. So after one rub.....the first blister popped.

Then after about an hour, the second one popped.
See picture below...

So after A LOT of rubbing bacterial cream on his face and A LOT of restless sleep, he pulled through this ordeal. It was rough!!!! I wish we could've gone back 24 hours and I would have done differently so he didn't have to go through all this pain, but alas, we can't and we live through it and move on. With SPF 2000 next time.

This is two days later after all the fun and we are at the airshow at Hill Airforce Base. We had such a good time. Lincoln was covered head to foot and then in the shade the whole time. We got A LOT of stares from others. I felt so bad, I felt like an abuser and ai was going to get stoned by the onlookers. It was so uncomfortable. I felt like a HORRIBLE mom. I really was suprised I haven't been turnede in yet. I am still waiting...

So this is the day after the Air show. The blisters under his cheeks scabbed over and it looked like he had tons of freckles on his face. But the swelling has left and he's my lil' Linc again.
It's been two weeks now and he has just a tiny bit of scabs left under his eyes and he's back being a perfect baby again. He's happy as ever and I am so grateful for all my blessings. WHEW, that chapter down, moving to the next adventure or ordeal, whichever comes first. Hopefully the first!!
oh my goodness, poor little guy! I am glad he is doing better now.
SO SAD!!! Poor Lincoln. But his character showed through with the fact that he wasn't even that fussy!! PERFECT baby. I miss him. LOVE YOU GUYS!
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