Hale Family Christmas tree.....AWESOME!!!

Spencer trying to walk with Aunt Jonsie shoes on. HARD!!!!! I know, I even tried it, I think Spencer walked with them better. I know, sad, on all parts of that statement....

Lincoln and Spencer love to play with Grandma's table and bench. They spent hours going over and under the bench and under the table. Who needs toys!!!


and UNDER!!!

Micah and Spencer had a blast riding around on the Wiggle cars Grandma Hale gave to Spencer and Lincoln.

Lincoln loving on the towel Uncle Bri and Aunt Tena gave him. It's so cute.

Micah with her dress up on.

Lincoln loving on Micah's sleeping bag.

Micah with the cutest sleeping bag Grandma Hale got her.

The outfit we got Micah. It looked so good on her, pink is her color, actually every color is her color. She's just too cute.

Lincoln was enjoying every bit of family.

Spencer took my camera around and took pictures of everyone. He's a pretty good photographer. It was good to get a break for once. So all the pictures with the * on them are the ones Spencer took. This ones a good one of Jonsie.

* Picture of Zachary.

* Picture of Becky

* Brian, Tena, Brit, Cory

*Micah wearing the skirt Grandma Hale gave her, this was the first present she opened and she wore it all day, until she opened the outfit we gave her. It was awesome.

*Alisa saying cheese to Spencer or saying Disneyland (either one Spencer tells them to say before he snaps the picture)

*Lincoln with his Mom

*Kev and Tenille

* Now it's really frustrating when Spencer can get this kind of picture from Lincoln when all I get is the top of his head. That was the running joke all week, how everyone can take a great picture of lincoln and all I get is noggin. Joni loved every good picture she took of him. She liked to rub it in my face.

Aunt Alisa gave Spencer Chutes and Ladders. Good choice, Alisa, he loves it!!!!

We gave mom this coat. She doesn't have one that doesn't have a rip in it, so here you go mom. Enjoy!!! The only problem is that she thinks it's too nice so she says it's a church coat. I can never win!!!!

*Uncle Kev and Linc

Another cute picture of Micah. Pretty as a present!!!

Uncle Bri and Aunt Tena gave the boys an awesome Tonka truck set. It's made out of metal so I think it might last around here.

Brett and Jonsie.

Micah when she first opened up the skirt. She was twirling all over the place. I think it was a good gift for her. Good thinking, Grandma!

Kev, Tenille, Micah (waiting patiently to open her first gift), & Becky.

Linc relaxin' on grandma

Me and sweet Micah

Tenille with Micah

Another cute picture of Micah with her loved ones.

Uncle Kev with Micah

Becky and Brett got the coolest camera for Christmas. So this is me taking a picture of Becky taking a picture of me, got it!!!

Spencer and Micah playing there Leapsters together. Spencer's is old but Micah just got hers for Christmas.

Adorable girl who I can't stop taking pictures of.

Spencer and Micah with their Leapsters!!!

The Hale household before the mess!!! Thank you Mom (aka Grandma Hale) for an awesome Christmas celebration. We love you so much!!! You overdid it once again.
Also thank you family for all you gave us. We love you all so much and are so grateful you are all in our lives. You are all so amazing and we are so lucky to have you all. Thanks again!!!!!
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