So we're going into the second week of crap, but it's getting a little better. All week last week we've been trying to sort out our stuff, it that's what you want to call it so the adjuster can come by. So he did, and that's about it......no, he wasn't the easiest guy to work with. We were basically treated like we meant to have this happen and when we said that this item got ruined, well, he didn't believe us. I know very well what was in the poo and what wasn't. There wasn't one item that I told him got ruined, he didn't balk at. It was ridiculous. This guy wasn't the best people person either. There was many times I was asking him a question and he just walked away mid-asking it. I had to also walk away a few times so I didn't blow up at him, anyway, it was quite a process. He wanted to know where it was purchased, how much, and how old it was. A lot of the stuff I had no clue. So he then just moved on to the next item to turn down. We had a lot of our stuff taken off the walls for Christmas decor that was in the filth. But if there wasn't the slightest hint of any poo, he would turn it down. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it out of the poo water so quick I guess. Anyways, it was a new experience, that's for sure, one I can only hope happens once.

I layed boxes down the hall so we weren't walking all over the debris on the cement. Spencer loved jumping from box to box, at least someone's having fun with this.

We had to put everything that was loose on our desk, bookshelf, and any other surface in a tote so the guys can come move them when they get to the point of emptying the room to paint and lay carpet down. Who knows when that will be? I also had to put up all my Christmas, not very fun considering the space I had to work with. This was one time that the song, "I cried the day that I take the tree down" had a whole new meaning.

The DVR is still plugged in as you can see, you know priorities.......heehee;) We have our tv wrapped in towels at the end of our bed. We thought that'd be a safe place until Spencer decided to join us early yesterday morning and we weren't all that ready to wake up so he went to the end of the bed, put his legs through the railings on the footboard and all of a sudden we hear a banging noise. Jason and I shot out of bed like bullets and saw he was kicking the front of the tv with his feet. He definately did his job at waking us up. After we held in the tears, we beat him senseless.........just kidding everyone, he just got a talking to that's for sure. He didn't know what he was kicking, it just made an awesome noise though. We still haven't plugged it in to make sure it's ok, I think we're a little scared.

The contractor showed up this morning and put up all the drywall that was missing and mudded the areas. He said his portion will take up to 3 or 4 more days to paint and everything except the carpet. That will be probably the beginning of next week. Then hopefully we can put everything back in it's place and be back to normal again..............well let's just say as normal as WE can be.

It will be nice to be able to use our bathroom again, that's for sure. You never know how much you love these little things like being able to pee in the middle of the night right next to your room, until you have to run upstairs and hope you make it. I know when I'm asleep I wait until it's totally necessary to get up. I know, that's an overshare, I'll stop now. I'm just trying to convey how much I love the little things in life. I hope you got that with that little story, if not, so sorry.
1 comment:
That STINKS! (no pun intended)
Sorry you guys had to deal with another Flood (no pun intended).
Hope you guys are through the most of it.
Love you.
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