Disclaimer: I have made this blog for the intent to show loved ones what we've been up to lately. I also want to one day print it out and have it as a journal for the kids. I am not doing this to brag at all. I just thought this is a great way for you all to see what life's been like for us and what we've been doing. I love to see other people's blogs and see their pictures and see what they've been up to. That's all I'm doing here. Thank you!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Say Cheese!!!

"Say hello to my lil' cute socks". This is what happens after a long day at play. Mom puts this silly looking socks on me and then takes my picture.
Spencer loves his horse that his Grandma and Papa Bowler gave him for Christmas. We had a little trouble getting it to work when we first got it but after some new batteries got put in it, it's as good as new. And thank goodness because he loves this horse. He loves to push the button and make the head and tail move and hear the neighing.
Blowing kisses.

"Mmmmaaaa" That's the sound he makes when he blows kisses. It's really cute.
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1 comment:

Prentiss said...

He is getting so big and handsome...I can't believe it! Kiss him for us!