Disclaimer: I have made this blog for the intent to show loved ones what we've been up to lately. I also want to one day print it out and have it as a journal for the kids. I am not doing this to brag at all. I just thought this is a great way for you all to see what life's been like for us and what we've been doing. I love to see other people's blogs and see their pictures and see what they've been up to. That's all I'm doing here. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fireworks and Roses

So Grandma Hale and the boys and I went over to watch the fireworks at South Jordan days. We were about 100 yards of where they were shooting them off, so it was so amazing to see them so close up. Lincoln and Spencer loved them, this is the first year Lincoln hasn't screamed from the sound. So it was really fun.

These ginormous roses are from Alisa's home, I swear she spiked them to be so big. They are about the siza of a large grapefruit or even bigger then that. Like the size of a dinner plate almost, this picture doesn't do them justice. Believe me, they are HUGE!!!
More humungousness.
See, they are big, huge!!!

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