Disclaimer: I have made this blog for the intent to show loved ones what we've been up to lately. I also want to one day print it out and have it as a journal for the kids. I am not doing this to brag at all. I just thought this is a great way for you all to see what life's been like for us and what we've been doing. I love to see other people's blogs and see their pictures and see what they've been up to. That's all I'm doing here. Thank you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

August family get together

We had a good time at the Hale family get together. We always miss all of the family that couldn't come.

Ever since Lucas was born we have put these two kids side by side to see how much they've grown. I think it wasn't until this time that we see how much they have grown. Kambry has totally grown taller. She seems so small until you put her next to Luke. She got so long in just a month, it seems.

Lincoln showing how tall he is.

Micah and Becky came and it was so good to see them. We missed you, Brett. He left for a week to do training. Micah was starting school the next day. She was so excited. I can't believe she is a kindergartener already. Where has the time gone? She is such a pretty little girl, I mean, big girl. Sorry, Micah.

Micah giving her Grandma Hale a hug goodbye. It seems like these get togethers last 5 minutes, they go by so fast.

All the cousins plus Tenille.

Spencer, Micah and Kambry

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